Problém s sshd RSA authentication

Dobroslav Tyrkas tyrky na
Úterý Říjen 29 10:20:42 CET 2002

Moc prosim o radu:

Mam problem se pripojit zvenku na server, z vnitrni site to jede v pohode,
kdyz se ale chci pripojit z domova pres modem, putty mi zahlasi "No public
key packet received", tzn. ze mi server nechce ani naservirovat verejnej
klic. Proc?
Mam spustene dva demony, jeden pro vnitrni sit (nasloucha na a
ma password authentication - Yes), druhy pro vnejsi pristup (na skutecne IP
adrese, password authentication - No ). Podotykam ze kdyz se z vnitrni site
192.168.1.X pripojim na jakoukoliv z techto dvou adres, spojeni funguje.
Vypada to, ze sshd uplne odmita vzdaleny pocitac na modemu, jako by ho vubec
neznal. Co mam delat, prosim, aby ho poznal a  poslal mu ten klic?

Toto je vypis jak ladim session :

Debug mode na serveru:

[root]# /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config.ext -d
debug: sshd version 1.2.27 [i586-unknown-linux]
debug: Initializing random number generator; seed file
log: Server listening on port 22.
log: Generating 768 bit RSA key.
Generating p:  ......++ (distance 74)
Generating q:  ........................................++ (distance 520)
Computing the keys...
Testing the keys...
Key generation complete.
log: RSA key generation complete.
debug: Server will not fork when running in debugging mode.
log: Connection from port 4524
log: Could not reverse map address
debug: Client protocol version 1.5; client software version PuTTY
debug: Sent 768 bit public key and 1024 bit host key.
debug: Encryption type: 3des
debug: Received session key; encryption turned on.
debug: Installing crc compensation attack detector.
debug: Attempting authentication for root.
log: RSA authentication for root accepted.
log: ROOT LOGIN as 'root' from
debug: Allocating pty.
debug: Forking shell.
debug: Entering interactive session.
debug: Setting controlling tty using TIOCSCTTY.

Na strane uzivatele:

login as: root
Sent username "root"
Trying public key authentication.
Passphrase for key "root na soukh_router":
Last login: Tue Oct 29 08:10:27 2002 from
  SSH_CLIENT= 4524 22

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