NFS over IPv6

Michal Ludvig michal-linux na
Úterý Říjen 29 13:45:19 CET 2002

David Sumsky wrote:
> Tomas Hlavacek wrote:
>>     je mozne dnes na Linuxu (pripadne na BSD) rozject NFS pres IPv6? 
>> Podle toho, ze i samotny portmaper udajne IPv6 nepodporuje, bych cekal 
>> ze asi ne, co?
 > Vypada to, ze asi ne ...

NetBSD by to snad umet melo. Release notes pro NetBSD 1.5:

Addition of IP version 6 (IPv6) and IPsec to the networking stack, from 
the KAME project. This includes addition of kernel code for IPv6/IPsec 
and conversion of most clients and daemons to support both IPv4 and IPv6 
(including RPC and NFS over IPv6).

Jelikoz KAME prubezne merguje i OpenBSD a FreeBSD, tak mozna i tyto 
systemy podporuje NFS over IPv6, ale kdo vi. Leda to zkusit...

Michal Ludvig

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