OT: vim

OldFrog oldfrog na volny.cz
Pátek Září 13 18:04:25 CEST 2002

>>Mezi dvema podtrzitky mi to zvetsi pismena a podtrzitka zmizi.
>>Napisu-li treba "blba_funkce_test", vim se zamysli a odpovi mi
>>"blbaFUNKCEtest". Docela brutus, ze?
>	Pokud nepošlete minimální údaje, tj. distribuci, verzi vim,
>vlastní úpravy, těžko vám někdo poradí. Zřejmě nahráváte nějaký škodlivý
>soubor, v takovém případě pomůže strace.

Ano, chapu. Nicmene jsem se domnival, ze se jedna o zname feature
vimu v novejsich verzich a ze staci neco jako ":set noblabla" a fce
se tim vypne.

Takze jeste jednou SuSE8.0cz a v nem obsazeny vim6.0.164.
Chovani je stejne pro vsechny uzivatele. Obsah konfiguraku:


:set mouse=a
:set tabstop=2
:set nowrap
:set autoindent
:syntax on
:hi Comment ctermfg=darkcyan
:set nocompatible



" /etc/vimrc (configuration file for vim only)
" author: Klaus Franken     <kfr na suse.de>
" author: Werner Fink       <werner na suse.de> 
" author: Florian La Roche  <florian na suse.de> 
" version: 00/01/20
" commented lines start with `"'

" enable syntax highlighting
" syntax on

" automatically indent lines (default)
" set noautoindent

" select case-insenitiv search (not default)
" set ignorecase

" show cursor line and column in the status line
set ruler

" show matching brackets
set showmatch

" display mode INSERT/REPLACE/...
set showmode

" changes special characters in search patterns (default)
" set magic

" Required to be able to use keypad keys and map missed escape sequences
set esckeys

" get easier to use and more user friendly vim defaults
" CAUTION: This option breaks some vi compatibility. 
"          Switch it off if you prefer real vi compatibility
set nocompatible

" Try to get the correct main terminal type
if &term =~ "xterm"
    let myterm = "xterm"
    let myterm =  &term
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "cons[0-9][0-9].*$",  "linux", "")
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "vt1[0-9][0-9].*$",   "vt100", "")
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "vt2[0-9][0-9].*$",   "vt220", "")
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "\\([^-]*\\)[_-].*$", "\\1",   "")

" Here we define the keys of the NumLock in keyboard transmit mode of xterm
" which misses or hasn't activated Alt/NumLock Modifiers.  Often not defined
" within termcap/terminfo and we should map the character printed on the keys.
if myterm == "xterm" || myterm == "kvt" || myterm == "gnome"
    " keys in insert/command mode.
    map! <ESC>Oo  :
    map! <ESC>Oj  *
    map! <ESC>Om  -
    map! <ESC>Ok  +
    map! <ESC>Ol  ,
    map! <ESC>OM  
    map! <ESC>Ow  7
    map! <ESC>Ox  8
    map! <ESC>Oy  9
    map! <ESC>Ot  4
    map! <ESC>Ou  5
    map! <ESC>Ov  6
    map! <ESC>Oq  1
    map! <ESC>Or  2
    map! <ESC>Os  3
    map! <ESC>Op  0
    map! <ESC>On  .
    " keys in normal mode
    map <ESC>Oo  :
    map <ESC>Oj  *
    map <ESC>Om  -
    map <ESC>Ok  +
    map <ESC>Ol  ,
    map <ESC>OM  
    map <ESC>Ow  7
    map <ESC>Ox  8
    map <ESC>Oy  9
    map <ESC>Ot  4
    map <ESC>Ou  5
    map <ESC>Ov  6
    map <ESC>Oq  1
    map <ESC>Or  2
    map <ESC>Os  3
    map <ESC>Op  0
    map <ESC>On  .

" xterm but without activated keyboard transmit mode
" and therefore not defined in termcap/terminfo.
if myterm == "xterm" || myterm == "kvt" || myterm == "gnome"
    " keys in insert/command mode.
    map! <Esc>[H  <Home>
    map! <Esc>[F  <End>
    " Home/End: older xterms do not fit termcap/terminfo.
    map! <Esc>[1~ <Home>
    map! <Esc>[4~ <End>
    " Up/Down/Right/Left
    map! <Esc>[A  <Up>
    map! <Esc>[B  <Down>
    map! <Esc>[C  <Right>
    map! <Esc>[D  <Left>
    " KP_5 (NumLock off)
    map! <Esc>[E  <Insert>
    " PageUp/PageDown
    map <ESC>[5~ <PageUp>
    map <ESC>[6~ <PageDown>
    " Cursor keys of (oldFunctionKeys)
    map <ESC>[5;5~ <PageUp>
    map <ESC>[6;5~ <PageDown>
    " keys in normal mode
    map <ESC>[H  0
    map <ESC>[F  $
    " Home/End: older xterms do not fit termcap/terminfo.
    map <ESC>[1~ 0
    map <ESC>[4~ $
    " Up/Down/Right/Left
    map <ESC>[A  k
    map <ESC>[B  j
    map <ESC>[C  l
    map <ESC>[D  h
    " KP_5 (NumLock off)
    map <ESC>[E  i
    " PageUp/PageDown
    map <ESC>[5~ 
    map <ESC>[6~ 
    " Cursor keys of (oldFunctionKeys)
    map <ESC>[5;5~ 
    map <ESC>[6;5~ 

" xterm/kvt but with activated keyboard transmit mode.
" Sometimes not or wrong defined within termcap/terminfo.
if myterm == "xterm" || myterm == "kvt" || myterm == "gnome"
    " keys in insert/command mode.
    map! <Esc>OH <Home>
    map! <Esc>OF <End>
    " Cursor keys which works mostly
    " map! <Esc>OA <Up>
    " map! <Esc>OB <Down>
    " map! <Esc>OC <Right>
    " map! <Esc>OD <Left>
    " Cursor keys of (oldFunctionKeys)
    map! <Esc>[2;5~ <Insert>
    map! <Esc>[3;5~ <Delete>
    map! <Esc>O5A <Up>
    map! <Esc>O5B <Down>
    map! <Esc>O5C <Right>
    map! <Esc>O5D <Left>
    " KP_5 (NumLock off)
    map! <Esc>OE <Insert>
    " keys in normal mode
    map <ESC>OH  0
    map <ESC>OF  $
    " Cursor keys of (oldFunctionKeys)
    map <ESC>O5H  0
    map <ESC>O5F  $
    " Cursor keys which works mostly
    " map <ESC>OA  k
    " map <ESC>OB  j
    " map <ESC>OD  h
    " map <ESC>OC  l
    " Cursor keys of (oldFunctionKeys)
    map <Esc>[2;5~ i
    map <Esc>[3;5~ x
    map <ESC>O5A  k
    map <ESC>O5B  j
    map <ESC>O5D  h
    map <ESC>O5C  l
    " KP_5 (NumLock off)
    map <ESC>OE  i

if myterm == "linux"
    " keys in insert/command mode.
    map! <Esc>[G  <Insert>
    " KP_5 (NumLock off)
    " keys in normal mode
    " KP_5 (NumLock off)
    map <ESC>[G  i

" This escape sequence is the well known ANSI sequence for
" Remove Character Under The Cursor (RCUTC[tm])
map! <Esc>[3~ <Delete>
map  <ESC>[3~    x

" /etc/vimrc ends here



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