zpracovani vetisho mnozstvi fotek

Martin Filip nexus na yo.cz
Sobota Duben 5 11:02:59 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 10:55, Jirka Kosina wrote:
> Lze na to myslim celkemm s uspechem pouzit utilitka convert (tusim z
> baliku ImageMagick) v kombinaci s nejakym shellskriptem, ktery ji bude
> patricnym zpusobem pro prislusne soubory volat.
> Pripadne existuje moznost, jak psat skripty pro GIMP (jmenuje se to
> script-fu, ale je potreba se to naucit :) ).
prave toto sem mel na mysli - kdyby jiz neco neexistovalo :) je totiz
sobota a ja sem v sobotu deeeeeeeeesne linej :)))) ale asi mi nic jinyho
nezbude, nez neco stvorit :)

Martin Filip (Nexus)
e-mail: nexus na yo.cz
ICQ#: 31531391
web: http://www.wortex.cz

-- If it happens once, it's a bug.
   If it happens twice, it's a feature.
   If it happens more then twice, it's a design philosophy
-- If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
-- If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.

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