Honza Pazdziora adelton na
Čtvrtek Duben 24 12:43:19 CEST 2003

On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 07:32:09AM +0200, Tezkatlipoka wrote:
> pri pokusu o spusteni programku v perlu, pod RH9, se vse sice provede, ale
> vyskoci na me hlaska:
> perl: warning : Setting locale failed
> perl: warning : Please check that your locale settings
> Language = unset
> LC_ALL = unset
> LANG = "cs_US.UTF-8"
> are suppoeted and installed on your system.
> mohl by me nekdo nasmerovat.

Locate cs_US.UTF-8 nejsou na Vasem systemu nainstalovane. Protoze Perl
s informacemi z locales pracuje, hlasite se ozyva, pokud zjisti, ze
nebude schopen pracovat spravne. Vsechny nainstalovane locales
zjistite prikazem locale -a. Je velmi pravdepodobne, ze jste chtel
nastavit LANG na cs_CZ.UTF-8, a ne cs_US.

 Honza Pazdziora | adelton na |
 .project: Perl, mod_perl, DBI, Oracle, auth. WWW servers, XML/XSL, ...
      ... all of these signs saying sorry but we're closed ...

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