error cron.weekly

Peter Hudec hudecof na
Úterý Srpen 12 10:19:30 CEST 2003

z tohto ti nikto nepovienic, lebo chybu ti hadze riadok
makewhatis -w
a ten netusim co vsetko robi

mardon wrote:
> Ahoj ,
> crom mi hlasi tuto hlasku
> /etc/cron.weekly/makewhatis.cron:
> awk: cmd. line:10: (FILENAME=- FNR=16) fatal: file `./man8' is a directory
> tady je makewhatis.cron:
> #!/bin/bash
> LOCKFILE=/var/lock/makewhatis.lock
> # the lockfile is not meant to be perfect, it's just in case the
> # two makewhatis cron scripts get run close to each other to keep
> # them from stepping on each other's toes.  The worst that will
> # happen is that they will temporarily corrupt the database...
> [ -f $LOCKFILE ] && exit 0
> trap "{ rm -f $LOCKFILE; exit 255; }" EXIT
> touch $LOCKFILE
> makewhatis -w
> exit 0 
> prosim muzete mi poradit?

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