WindowMaker - podivne chovani klavesnice

Vlasta Šeliga xseliga na
Pátek Únor 7 11:39:21 CET 2003

Dobry den (pokud je tohle mimo obsah skupiny, omlouvam se ;-(, tyka se to spis konfigurace programu nez ceho jineho)

Pouzivam debian 3.0 unstable/testing, na X pouzivam windowmakera, bez jakkehokoliv meho vedomeho zasahu prestaly chodit klavesy 1 az 0 z horni casti klavesnice (defaultni prepinani workspaces), taky v xtermu mi nejde prerusit proces pomoci Ctrl+z - musim davat Ctrl+Shift+z. Osvedcenou metodou pokus/omyl sem zjistil, ze chyba je v souboru ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMState - pokud ho smazu, po vytvoreni workspace mi Mod1(Left-alt)+cislo funguje. Mam pocit, ze se mi neco podobneho uz stalo, bohuzel davno a ja uz sem zapomel jak to vyresit. Mozna to ma jeste souvislost s tim, ze mi nejde napsat v Mozille jakkekoliv velke pismeno s hackem (coz nepostesi, treba u myho jmena ;-))

Mozna by bylo nejrychlejsi smazat WMState a vytvorit ho znovu - jenze to se mi nezda jako systemove resni.

Diky za jakkekoliv hinty.

Prikladam svuj ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMState, ja z toho nevyctu ani vodu ;-(.


  Dock = {
    Lowered = Yes;
    Applications960 = (
        Name = Logo.WMDock;
        Lock = Yes;
        AutoLaunch = Yes;
        Command = yeti;
        Position = "0,0";
        Forced = No;
        BuggyApplication = No;
        Name = "x-terminal-emulator.XTerm";
        Lock = No;
        AutoLaunch = No;
        Command = "x-terminal-emulator";
        Position = "0,1";
        Forced = No;
        BuggyApplication = No;
        Name = groupLeader.WPrefs;
        Lock = Yes;
        AutoLaunch = No;
        Command = "/usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Applications/";
        Position = "0,2";
        Forced = No;
        BuggyApplication = No;
    Position = "-64,0";
    Applications = (
        Name = Logo.WMDock;
        Lock = Yes;
        AutoLaunch = Yes;
        Command = yeti;
        Position = "0,0";
        Forced = No;
        BuggyApplication = No;
        Name = "x-terminal-emulator.XTerm";
        Lock = No;
        AutoLaunch = No;
        Command = "x-terminal-emulator";
        Position = "0,1";
        Forced = No;
        BuggyApplication = No;
        Name = groupLeader.WPrefs;
        Lock = Yes;
        AutoLaunch = No;
        Command = "/usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Applications/";
        Position = "0,2";
        Forced = No;
        BuggyApplication = No;
  Clip = {
    Name = Logo.WMClip;
    DropCommand = "wmsetbg -u -t %d";
    Lock = No;
    AutoLaunch = No;
    Command = "-";
    Position = "0,0";
    Forced = No;
    BuggyApplication = No;
  };  Workspace = "Workspace 3";
  Workspaces = (
      Clip = {
        AutoAttractIcons = No;
        AutoCollapse = No;
        Lowered = Yes;
        Collapsed = No;
        AutoRaiseLower = Yes;
        Applications = ();
      Name = Main;
      Clip = {
        AutoAttractIcons = No;
        AutoCollapse = No;
        Lowered = Yes;
        Collapsed = No;
        AutoRaiseLower = Yes;
        Applications = ();
      Name = "Workspace 2";
      Clip = {
        AutoAttractIcons = No;
        AutoCollapse = No;
        Lowered = Yes;
        Collapsed = No;
        AutoRaiseLower = Yes;
        Applications = (
            PasteCommand = "wmxmms %s";
            Name = wmxmms.Wmxmms;
            DropCommand = "wmxmms %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = wmxmms;
            Position = "3,0";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "sim %s";
            Name = sim.Wharf;
            DropCommand = "sim %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = No;
            Command = sim;
            Position = "0,5";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "wmnd %s";
            Name = wmnd.wmnd;
            DropCommand = "wmnd %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = wmnd;
            Position = "0,1";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "wmnd %s";
            Name = wmnd.wmnd;
            DropCommand = "wmnd %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = "wmnd -i eth1";
            Position = "0,2";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "wmmixer -w %s";
            Name = wmmixer.WMMixer;
            DropCommand = "wmmixer -w %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = "wmmixer -w";
            Position = "0,3";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "asclock -d %s -theme shaped";
            Name = asclock.ASClock;
            DropCommand = "asclock -d %d -theme shaped";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = "asclock -d -theme shaped";
            Position = "1,0";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "wmmon %s";
            Name = wmmon.wmmon;
            DropCommand = "wmmon %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = wmmon;
            Position = "2,0";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
            PasteCommand = "wmpinboard %s";
            Name = wmpinboard.WMPINBOARD;
            DropCommand = "wmpinboard %d";
            Lock = Yes;
            AutoLaunch = Yes;
            Command = wmpinboard;
            Position = "0,4";
            Forced = No;
            BuggyApplication = No;
            Omnipresent = Yes;
      Name = "Workspace 3";
      Clip = {
        AutoAttractIcons = No;
        AutoCollapse = No;
        Lowered = Yes;
        Collapsed = No;
        AutoRaiseLower = Yes;
        Applications = ();
      Name = "Workspace 4";
      Clip = {
        AutoAttractIcons = No;
        AutoCollapse = No;
        Lowered = Yes;
        Collapsed = No;
        AutoRaiseLower = Yes;
        Applications = ();
      Name = "Workspace 5";
      Clip = {
        AutoAttractIcons = No;
        AutoCollapse = No;
        Lowered = Yes;
        Collapsed = No;
        AutoRaiseLower = No;
        Applications = ();
      Name = "Workspace 6";
  Applications = (
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+64+64";
      Workspace = "Workspace 3";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+552+64";
      Workspace = "Workspace 3";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = "mozilla-bin.Mozilla-bin";
      Geometry = "1035x662+86+86";
      Workspace = "Workspace 2";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "/usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+563+58";
      Workspace = Main;
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = bbkeys.bbtools;
      Geometry = "62x51+14137+13623";
      Workspace = Main;
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = bbkeys;
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+552+64";
      Workspace = "Workspace 4";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+64+64";
      Workspace = "Workspace 5";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+552+72";
      Workspace = "Workspace 5";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+66+62";
      Workspace = "Workspace 4";
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";
      Hidden = No;
      ShortcutMask = 0;
      Name = xterm.UXTerm;
      Geometry = "484x316+67+69";
      Workspace = Main;
      Shaded = No;
      Miniaturized = No;
      Command = "xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8";

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