Jak ukladat mp3 stream z internet radii

Boris Filipovič b.filipovic na centrum.cz
Pátek Leden 10 20:07:21 CET 2003

Dne Fri, 10 Jan 2003 14:58:08 -0000
"Jaroslav Lukesh" <lukesh na seznam.cz> napsal/a:

> | > Hmm... nevite nekdo, pliz, jestli existuje neco podobneho na
> | > RealPrayer?
> http://www.zipworld.com.au/~erikd/vsound/
tady už ho nenajdete :-((

October 27th, 2002

Although I have maintained vsound for nearly three years, I can no longer do
so, nor can I continue to make it available from this web site. 

I live in Australia which has a law (Digital Agenda Bill 2000) which is
similar to the DCMA in the US in that it makes the distribution of a devices
for circumventing copyright protection illegal. I have neither the time,
money or inclination to make myself a possible target for such legal action
by companies with endless legal and financial resources. 

However, vsound is probaly available from other web sites. If you want a
copy, you should search the web. Do not email me as I cannot and will not
provide you with a copy. 

Erik de Castro Lopo. 

Boris Filipovič

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