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oldfrog.linux na oldfrog.linux na
Úterý Duben 27 15:14:31 CEST 2004

Libor Chocholaty wrote:

> oldfrog.linux na wrote:
>> Petr Sigut wrote:
>>> dostal jsem nasledujici napad: mam celodeni, ale relativne pomale
>>> pripojeni, mam pocitac s Linuxem a pak jeste jeden, ktery muze pres
>>> maskaradu taky na internet.
>>> Neslo by nejak zaridit, aby nejaky program ci skript sledoval 
>>> "jestli je
>>> nekdo na intenetu" - cili jestli se prenasi nejaka data z a do
>>> internetu a jestli ne - spustilo by se stahovani napr. pomoci wgetu, 
>>> ale
>>> kdyby nekdo zadal do prohlizece stranku nebo tak, okamzite by se to
>>> zastavilo... je neco takoveho mozne? Ze by to treba v 15min intervalech
>>> kontrolovalo?
>> Toto se resi pomoci qos
> Lze nejak znackovat packety podle jmena/cisla procesu, ktery stahuje?

Pomoci iptables modulu owner:

man iptables:

       This  module  attempts  to  match  various characteristics of the
       packet creator, for locally-generated packets.  It is only  valid
       in  the  OUTPUT  chain,  and even this some packets (such as ICMP
       ping responses) may have no owner, and hence never match.

       --uid-owner userid
              Matches if the packet was created by a  process  with  the
              given effective user id.

       --gid-owner groupid
              Matches  if  the  packet was created by a process with the
              given effective group id.

       --pid-owner processid
              Matches if the packet was created by a  process  with  the
              given process id.

       --sid-owner sessionid
              Matches  if  the  packet  was  created by a process in the
              given session group.


Ondrej Nemecek alias 'OldFrog'

tel (domu):     241766035
tel (prace):    222090701
icq:            250163477

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