dual head pro Intel(r)852MG/852MGE/855MG/855MGE

Vladimír Volčko konference na pcs.cz
Úterý Srpen 3 16:02:18 CEST 2004

>Tiez som to chcel, hladal som vsade po internete az som dospel k nazoru
>ze asi to nejde (driver pre XFree86 nepodporuje). Ale mozno sa mylim...
Stahl jsem si drivery od intelu ...  v readme (viz. nize bod 6) je o 
subjektu neco malo napsano,
ale nejak se mi to proste nedari uspesne zakoncit :-)

* 6.  Dual Head Configuration Options

These options can be added to the Device section to further 
configure dual head modes.

Option "MonitorLayout" "anystr" 

Allow different monitor configurations. e.g. "CRT,LFP" will 
configure a CRT on Pipe A and an LFP on Pipe B. Regardless of
the primary heads' pipe it is always configured as "<PIPEA>,
<PIPEB>". Additionally you can add different configurations 
such as "CRT+DFP,LFP" which would put a digital flat panel and 
a CRT on pipe A, and a local flat panel on pipe B. For single 
pipe configurations you can just specify the monitors types on 
Pipe A, such as "CRT+DFP" which will enable the CRT and DFP on 
Pipe A. Valid monitors are CRT, LFP, DFP, TV, CRT2, LFP2, DFP2,
TV2 and NONE. 

	NOTE: Some configurations of monitor types may 
	fail, this depends on the Video BIOS and system configuration. 

	Default: Not configured, and will use the current head's pipe 
	and monitor. 

Option "Clone" "boolean" 

Enable Clone mode on alternate pipe. This will setup the second 
head as a complete mirror of the monitor attached to the primary 
pipe. NOTE: Video overlay functions will not work on the second 
head in this mode. If you require this, then use the MonitorLayout 
above and do (as an example) "CRT+DFP,NONE" to configure both a 
CRT and DFP on Pipe A to achieve local mirroring and disable the
use of this option. 

	Default: Clone mode on the alternate pipe is disabled. 

Option "CloneRefresh" "integer" 

When the Clone option is specified we can drive the second monitor
at a different refresh rate than the primary. 

	NOTE: This override will only work if the Clone head is a CRT. 

	Default: 60.

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