problem s mrtg

volesak na volesak na
Pondělí Březen 7 04:25:14 CET 2005

Zdanlive nesouvisejici zalezitost, ale treba pomuze. 
Neni to reseni problemu, pouze jina cesta.

Pouzivam qmailmrtg k zobrazovani grafu vytizeni

V konfiguracnim souboru je definovana sekce i pro CPU, system loead, eth0,
memory swap atd. a to tak, že nepoužívá snmp. Treba by byla alternativa
použít právě qmailmrtg.
Honza Volesak

Title[cpu0]: CPU 0 Usage - FQDN
MaxBytes[cpu0]: 100
AbsMax[cpu0]: 1000
Options[cpu0]: bits
Target[cpu0]: `/usr/bin/awk '/cpu0 /{print $2+$3; print $2+$3+$4; print
"quite some time"; print "home"}'</proc/stat`
PageTop[cpu0]: <H1>CPU 0 Usage - FQDN</H1>
ShortLegend[cpu0]: %x100
Ylegend[cpu0]: %x100
LegendI[cpu0]:  user:
LegendO[cpu0]:  total:
Legend1[cpu0]: Time spent in user mode
Legend2[cpu0]: Time spent in user mode + time spent in system mode
Legend3[cpu0]: Maximum occurance of time spent in user mode
Legend4[cpu0]: Maximum occurance of (time spent in user mode + time spent in
system mode)
XSize[cpu0]: 350
YSize[cpu0]: 150
Title[load]: system load - FQDN
Target[load]: `uptime | sed 's/,//g' | awk '{print $10*100; print $11*100 ;
print ""}'`
PageTop[load]: <H1>system load - FQDN</H1>
Options[load]: gauge
MaxBytes[load]: 100000
Ylegend[load]: load x100
ShortLegend[load]: load
XSize[load]: 350
YSize[load]: 150
Legend1[load]: load 
LegendI[load]: 5min 
LegendO[load]: 15min 
WithPeak[load]: ymwd

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