samba a thttpd - pristupove prava zdielanych suborov

martin hudec corwin na
Pondělí Září 26 16:08:03 CEST 2005


On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 03:47:07PM +0200 or thereabouts, garabik-news-2005-05 na wrote:
> In article <20050926132733.GF693 na> you wrote:
> >  
> >  Force create mode, resp. create masks na strane suborov, alebo
> >  directory mode, resp. force directory mode na strane adresarov problem
> >  neriesia - aplikuju sa pri vytvarani suborov a na strane samba serveru
> >  su v poriadku. Problem mam s tym, ze vsetko je executable na strane
> >  klienta.
> >
> a nie je to v tom ze cez sambu nejdu unixove prava a tak si ich klient
> doplni? a teda by mozno pomohlo nastavit fmask pre smbclient...
> (alebo pouzit cifs s unix extensions)

  Inu, dakujem, nakopol si ma :), proste zadefinovanie -d a -f pre
  mount_smbfs stacilo, vynatok z man mount_smbfs:

  -f mode, -d mode
          Specify permissions that should be assigned to files and directo-
          ries.  The values must be specified as octal numbers.  Default
          value for the file mode is taken from mount point, default value
          for the directory mode adds execute permission where the file
          mode gives read permission.

          Note that these permissions can differ from the rights granted by
          SMB server.

	prajem krasny den,

martin hudec

   * 421 907 303 393
   * corwin na

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