AutoResponse - Email Returned SAXK (KMM44663683V19174L0KM) :kd1

PayPal Customer Service 1 service na
Středa Listopad 1 23:13:53 CET 2006

Thank you for contacting PayPal Customer Service.

In an effort to assist you as quickly and efficiently as possible, please
direct all customer service inquires through our website. Click on the 
hyperlink below to go to the PayPal website. After entering your email 
address and password into the Member Log In box, you can submit your
inquiry via our Customer Service Contact form. If you indicate the type of
question you have with as much detail as you can, we will be able to
provide you with the best customer service possible.

If your email program is unable to open hyperlinks, please copy and paste
this URL into the address bar of your browser.

If you are contacting PayPal because you are unable to log into your
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Thank you for choosing PayPal!

This email is sent to you by the contracting entity to your User Agreement,
either PayPal Inc or PayPal (Europe) Limited. PayPal(Europe) Limited is
authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK as
an electronic money institution.

Note: When you click on links in this email, you will be asked to log into
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Please do not reply to this e-mail.  Mail sent to this address will not be


Original Email:
> > relevantni kusy konfigurace/certifikatu:
> >
> >  Subject: C=CZ, ST=Czech Republic, L=Praha, O=neco,
> >        CN=omyl na omyl=net/emailAddress=omyl na
> >  X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:=
> > 
> Asi opravili chybu. Protoze ten certifikat je opravdu spatne.
> Cannonical name by melo byt "", pripadne s rozsirenim
> o emailovou adresu (ktera v tomto pripade neni nutna).
To si nemyslim (resp. asi to tak bylo, nicmene dle mne neslo o chybu :)
), v tom CN muze bejt teoreticky cokoliv - podstatny je, ze v
subjectAltName JE to co chci - ale on na to "kasle" :( (alepson to je
muj pohled ).


[ Attachment 1.2	Type: application/pgp-signature]
[ Attachment 1.3	Type: text/plain]

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