registration details

Tina Freding tina_freding na
Čtvrtek Prosinec 20 22:07:02 CET 2001

It’s still .biz as usual despite an uncertain economic outlook.  Small businesses and individuals around the world are aggressively registering the exciting, new dot BIZ domain name before all the best names are taken. Since the domain was introduced last month, over one million .biz domains have been registered successfully, making .biz the most popular of the new top-level extensions originally proposed by ICANN last year.  If you haven’t secured your new domain name, you should act now before it’s too late. Simply visit:

Why is this new domain name taking the internet by storm? For many years, demand has far out-stripped supply for short, easy-to-remember .com names. If you consider that domain names were originally devised by internet architects as a means to help everyone remember internet addresses, it defeats the purpose if we have to remember obscure-sounding domains like With domains like selling for $7.5 million, it’s about time that consumers are given more choices in domain types. 

Let's consider the facts: 1. the smart individuals who registered their .com domain in the early days are now very wealthy 2. .biz was launched in November, 2001 making it the newest domain name on the Internet 3.  over 15 million .biz names are expected to be registered in the next four years meaning that .biz will eventually be in short-supply 4. ICANN will NOT be introducing any new domain names in the near future.  There can only be one conclusion: dot BIZ valuations will skyrocket and now is the best and probably only time to register a good domain name. Dot biz is available now at:

"While .com names hold the most prestige, the next frontier is the new suffixes, .biz, and .pro likely to become available later this year..." -BUSINESSWEEK MAGAZINE, April 16, 2001.

And according to a July 02,  2001 ZDNET news article, industry analysts estimate that "15 million dot-biz names will be registered by 2005," thus making dot BIZ even more popular than Dot Com. An exciting new era is about to unfold on the Internet. Go to to find out more or to register now.

If you simply need a domain for yourself, then you should consider registering a .NAME domain name. The pre-registration queue for the upcoming .NAME domain name was officially closed on Monday, December 17, 2001 but it's not too late to secure a .NAME for yourself. You can go to: and signup for a .NAME domain. The system will automatically submit your domain into the central registry as soon as it goes live. There is no pre-registration fee for this service and you will only be charged for successfully registered names.

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