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Úterý Duben 6 19:05:33 CEST 2004

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A special Swimming tournament that is about to take place. For the
tournament, the participants include a guy without arms, one without legs,
one with just a torso, and... just a head. Starting pistol goes off,
everyone goes forward, but the head sinks right away. After the event,
reporters ask: What did you count on?"Well, see," the head says, "I've spent
seven years in training to use my ears... but those idiots put a swimming
cap on them."
Three tourists climbed up the tower with London's Big Ben and decided to
throw their watches off the top, run down the stairs and try to catch them
before they hit the ground. The first tourist threw his watch but heard it
crash before the had taken three steps. the second threw his watch and made
only tow steps before hearing his watch shatter . The third tourist threw
his watch off the tower, went down the stairs, bought a snack at a shop up
the street and walked slowly back to Big Ben in time to catch the watch."
How did you do that?" asked one of his friends. " My watch is 30 minutes
slow." he explained.
shouzetu9yajuu01aisatu,mamo shogaku. 

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