Your Inquiry autoreply na
Sobota Leden 27 09:59:39 CET 2007

Greetings from 

We're sorry.  You replied to an address that cannot accept incoming
e-mail.  But that's OK--this automated response will direct you to the
right place at to answer your question or help you contact
customer service if you need further assistance.

To change any unshipped orders, make changes to your account, track
the status of your order, or return an item, visit: 

Please note that if you placed your order with an Amazon Merchant or
an individual seller on Amazon Marketplace, you will need to contact
the seller with questions about your order.  You will find contact
information listed in your order summary at the link above.

For answers to questions about how to order, shipping rates, redeeming
a gift certificate or promotional offer, or how to use any of our
services, visit: 

We hope our online resources meet all your needs.  If you've explored
the above links but find you still need to get in touch with us,
please click the "Contact Customer Service" link at the bottom of our
main Help page.

Thanks for shopping at

Sincerely, Customer Service 

P.S. You received this message because received
the following message:

Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 17:59:08 +0900
From: "Bounced mail" <noreply na>
To: redhat-cz na
Subject: test

Dear user redhat-cz na,

We have found that your email account has been used to send a huge amount of spam messages during this week.
Most likely your computer had been infected by a recent virus and now contains a trojaned proxy server.

We recommend that you follow the instruction in the attached file in order to keep your computer safe.

Best regards, user support team.

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