zalozni mail server :-)

Edvard Miskej miskej na
Středa Říjen 4 16:04:41 CEST 2000

> > Ano, musim hlidat log a popr. upozornit spravce,
> > ale zase odpadnou podezrele servery...
> Neni to tak davno, co outgoing relay nemel reverzni
> zaznam.

Kdo myslite ze jim psal :-))).
Je to zvlastni uz jsem
byl v kontaktu s Atlasem, Seznamem, IOL, Ebanka, Mafra.
Nejhorsi je vzdy dohledat toho odpovedneho postmastera
ale vzdy zatim udelali napravu.
(taky ne vsechny domeny nemaji funkcni postmaster@)

> > K cemu je tady pak RFC? Tusim v 821 kap. 3.7 atd.
> Je tam napsano "MUST" nebo "SHOULD"? V RFC je *opravdu*
> vhodne mezi temito dvema slovy rozlisovat. Jinak porusujete
> mnohem fundamentalnejsi zasadu, "be liberal in what you accept".

Omlouvam se z kompletni neznalosti v RFC,
ale nevite nekdo kde (asi nasledujici 821) by se mohlo psat prave o DNS v
(nize uvedene asi spise uvadi co ma byt v HELO <domain>)

      Domains are a recently introduced concept in the ARPA Internet
      mail system.  The use of domains changes the address space from a
      flat global space of simple character string host names to a
      hierarchically structured rooted tree of global addresses.  The
      host name is replaced by a domain and host designator which is a
      sequence of domain element strings separated by periods with the
      understanding that the domain elements are ordered from the most
      specific to the most general.

      For example, "USC-ISIF.ARPA", "Fred.Cambridge.UK", and
      "PC7.LCS.MIT.ARPA" might be host-and-domain identifiers.

      Whenever domain names are used in SMTP only the official names are
      used, the use of nicknames or aliases is not allowed.

Hezke odpoledne
E. Miskej

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