After rebooting sendmail servers, internal servers must fully qualify for mail

Gary L. Burnore gburnore na
Úterý Říjen 9 17:28:51 CEST 2001

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 10:42:23 -0600, in article
<9pi349$qcj$1 na>, "Christopher" <chankins na>

>Help anyone?
>We rebooted our sendmail servers, and now all of our internal servers need
>FQDN when sending mail.
>Old way(what we want again):  blah na
>new way: blah na
>What controls that?  Is this a sendmail issue?  No changes were made to DNS.
>Any help would be appriciated!  Thanks!

W_H_Y_ did you reboot? Did you upgrade _anything?  Chances are good that you
did. If so, you likely wiped out your or, more likely, your (what this machine is known as).  

Get them from your backup.  (You _do_ do backups, right?)

gburnore at DataBasix dot Com 
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Gary L. Burnore                       |  ÝU__Ý____Ý__ÝU_Ý____Ý_Ý____Ý_ÝÝU_
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