sendmail + tcpwrappers a hlaseni

Petr Vejsada daemon na nospam.exe
Čtvrtek Leden 23 14:42:01 CET 2003

Petr Rehor wrote:

> Druha moznost dat do hosts.allow
> sendmail:UNKNOWN:twist /bin/echo "550 Access Bu, bu, bu."
> sendmail:ALL:ALLOW

tak s tim experimentuji, pro inetd procesy to funguje dle ocekavani (zkousel 
jsem in.telnetd), ale pro sendmail nejak ne.

do /etc/hosts.deny jsem dal zkusebne i adresu, ze ktere jsem 
zkousel posilam maily, ktere mely byt odmitnuty:

sendmail : UNKNOWN , : twist /bin/echo "550 5.0.0 Access 
denied (you need correct reverse-DNS entry)"

a dopadlo to spatne:

Jan 22 18:52:59 linux sm-mta[29463]: twist to /bin/echo 
"550 5
.0.0 Access denied (you need correct reverse-DNS entry)"
Jan 22 18:52:59 linux sm-mta[29463]: warning: /etc/hosts.deny, line 16: 
tion: dup: Bad file descriptor

asi by to chtelo echo nekam jinam nez na stdout, ale kam ? Dle manualu by to 
melo byt takto spravne:

       twist shell_command
              Replace  the  current process by an instance of the
              specified  shell  command,  after  performing   the
              %<letter>     expansions     described    in    the
              hosts_access(5) manual  page.   Stdin,  stdout  and
              stderr  are  connected  to the client process. This
              option must appear at the end of a rule.

nevedel byste jeste co s tim ?

Petr /daemon(zavinac)svoboda(tecka)cz/

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