GAS PRICES All-time HIGHS, OPEC Production Cuts, We Have the Answer, Sat, 13 Mar 2004 04:30:12 -0500

Helen Suggs chruifril na
Sobota Březen 13 10:30:12 CET 2004

Sat, 13 Mar 2004 04:30:12 -0500

Fuel Costs are reaching all time highs.  OPEC is planning further cuts in production.  We have the answer.


This revolutionary device Boosts Gas Mileage 27%+ by helping fuel burn better using three patented processes from General 


A certified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laboratory recently completed tests on the new Fuel-Saver-Pro. The 

results were astounding.  Master Service, a subsidiary of Ford Motor Company, also conducted extensive emissions testing and 

obtained similar, unheard of results. The achievements of the Fuel Saver is so noteworthy to the environmental community, 

that Commercial News has featured it as their cover story in their June, 2000 edition.

Take a test drive Today -

No more advertisements, thanks -


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