localdelivery pro root, postmaster

Daniel Hrbac talk na advokati.biz
Pondělí Prosinec 19 16:19:46 CET 2005

Petr Barta napsal(a):
>> koukám a nevidím kde to najít. navíc lokální doručování pro reálné 
>> uživatele advokati, advokati2, advkati3 funguje. to ven nechodí.
> V tom pripade poslete (a mozna bylo vhodne to udelat hned) vypis 
> konfigurace, verzi postovniho serveru, a (trochu kompletnejsi) zaznam 
> logu...
>                 Petr Barta

část 2

R$*			$: $1 $| @ $>"Rcpt_ok" $1
R$* $| @ $#TEMP $+	$: $1 $| T $2
R$* $| @ $#$*		$#$2
R$* $| @ RELAY		$@ RELAY
R$* $| @ $*		$: O $| $>"Relay_ok" $1
R$* $| T $+		$: T $2 $| $>"Relay_ok" $1
R$* $| $#TEMP $+	$#error $2
R$* $| $#$*		$#$2
R$* $| RELAY		$@ RELAY
R T $+ $| $*		$#error $1
# anything else is bogus
R$*			$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 Relaying denied. Proper authentication

### Rcpt_ok: is the recipient ok?
R$*			$: $>ParseRecipient $1		strip relayable hosts

# blacklist local users or any host from receiving mail
R$*			$: <?> $1
R<?> $+ < @ $=w >	$: <> <$1 < @ $2 >> $| <F:$1@$2> <U:$1@> <D:$2>
R<?> $+ < @ $* >	$: <> <$1 < @ $2 >> $| <F:$1@$2> <D:$2>
R<?> $+			$: <> <$1> $| <U:$1@>
R<> <$*> $| <$+>	$: <@> <$1> $| $>SearchList <+ To> $| <$2> <>
R<@> <$*> $| <$*>	$: <$2> <$1>		reverse result
R<?> <$*>		$: @ $1		mark address as no match
R<$={Accept}> <$*>	$: @ $2		mark address as no match
R<$={SpamTag}> <$*>	$: @ $2		mark address as no match
R<REJECT> $*		$#error $@ 5.2.1 $: "550 Mailbox disabled for this recipient"
R<DISCARD> $*		$#discard $: discard
R<ERROR:$-.$-.$-:$+> $*		$#error $@ $1.$2.$3 $: $4
R<ERROR:$+> $*		$#error $: $1
R<<TMPF>> $*		$#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure. Please
try again later."
R<$+> $*		$#error $: $1		error from access db
R@ $*			$1		remove mark

# authenticated via TLS?
R$*			$: $1 $| $>RelayTLS	client authenticated?
R$* $| $# $+		$# $2			error/ok?
R$* $| $*		$: $1			no

R$*			$: $1 $| $>"Local_Relay_Auth" $&{auth_type}
R$* $| $# $*		$# $2
R$* $| NO		$: $1
R$* $| $*		$: $1 $| $&{auth_type}
R$* $|			$: $1
R$* $| $={TrustAuthMech}	$# RELAY
R$* $| $*		$: $1
# anything terminating locally is ok
R$+ < @ $=w >		$@ RELAY
R$+ < @ $* $=R >	$@ RELAY
R$+ < @ $+ >		$: $>D <$2> <?> <+ To> <$1 < @ $2 >>
R<$* <TMPF>> $*		$#TEMP $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure.
Please try again later."
R<$*> <$*>		$: $2

# allow relaying for hosts which we MX serve
R$+ < @ $+ >		$: < : $(mxserved $2 $) : > $1 < @ $2 >
R< : $* <TEMP> : > $*	$#TEMP $@ 4.7.1 $: "450 Can not check MX records
for recipient host " $1
R<$* : $=w . : $*> $*	$@ RELAY
R< : $* : > $*		$: $2

# check for local user (i.e. unqualified address)
R$*			$: <?> $1
R<?> $* < @ $+ >	$: <REMOTE> $1 < @ $2 >
# local user is ok
R<?> $+			$@ RELAY
R<$+> $*		$: $2

### Relay_ok: is the relay/sender ok?
# anything originating locally is ok
# check IP address
R$*			$: $&{client_addr}
R$@			$@ RELAY		originated locally
R0			$@ RELAY		originated locally
R127.0.0.1		$@ RELAY		originated locally
RIPv6:::1		$@ RELAY		originated locally
R$=R $*			$@ RELAY		relayable IP address
R$*			$: $>A <$1> <?> <+ Connect> <$1>
R<RELAY> $* 		$@ RELAY		relayable IP address

R<<TMPF>> $*		$#TEMP $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure. Please
try again later."
R<$*> <$*>		$: $2
R$*			$: [ $1 ]		put brackets around it...
R$=w			$@ RELAY		... and see if it is local

# check client name: first: did it resolve?
R$*			$: < $&{client_resolve} >
R<TEMP>			$#TEMP $@ 4.7.1 $: "450 Relaying temporarily denied. Cannot
resolve PTR record for " $&{client_addr}
R<FORGED>		$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 Relaying denied. IP name possibly
forged " $&{client_name}
R<FAIL>			$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 Relaying denied. IP name lookup
failed " $&{client_name}
R$*			$: <@> $&{client_name}
# pass to name server to make hostname canonical
R<@> $* $=P 		$:<?>  $1 $2
R<@> $+			$:<?>  $[ $1 $]
R$* .			$1			strip trailing dots
R<?> $=w		$@ RELAY
R<?> $* $=R			$@ RELAY
R<?> $*			$: $>D <$1> <?> <+ Connect> <$1>
R<$* <TMPF>> $*		$#TEMP $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure.
Please try again later."
R<$*> <$*>		$: $2

# turn a canonical address in the form user<@domain>
# qualify unqual. addresses with $j
R$* <@ $+ . >		$1 <@ $2 >
R$* <@ $* >		$@ $1 <@ $2 >
R$+			$@ $1 <@ $j >

# authenticated?
R$*			$: $1 $| $>"tls_client" $&{verify} $| MAIL
R$* $| $#$+		$#$2
R$*			$# $1

# authenticated?
R$*			$: $1 $| $>"tls_client" $&{verify} $| MAIL
R$* $| $#$+		$#$2
R$*			$@ $1

# call all necessary rulesets
# R$@			$#error $@ 5.1.3 $: "553 Recipient address required"

R$+			$: $1 $| $>checkrcpt $1
R$+ $| $#error $*	$#error $2
R$+ $| $#discard $*	$#discard $2
R$+ $| $#$*		$@ $>"Delay_TLS_Client" $2
R$+ $| $*		$: <?> $>FullAddr $>CanonAddr $1
R$*			$: $1 $| $>checkmail <$&f>
R$* $| $#$*		$#$2
R$* $| $*		$: $1 $| $>checkrelay $&{client_name} $| $&{client_addr}
R$* $| $#$*		$#$2
R$* $| $*		$: $1

###  F: LookUpFull -- search for an entry in access database
###	lookup of full key (which should be an address) and
###	variations if +detail exists: +* and without +detail
###	Parameters:
###		<$1> -- key
###		<$2> -- default (what to return if not found in db)
###		<$3> -- mark (must be <(!|+) single-token>)
###			! does lookup only with tag
###			+ does lookup with and without tag
###		<$4> -- passthru (additional data passed unchanged through)

R<$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>		$: <$(access $4:$1 $: ? $)> <$1> <$2> <$3 $4> <$5>
R<?> <$+> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>	$: <$(access $1 $: ? $)> <$1> <$2> <+ $3> <$4>
R<?> <$+ + $* @ $+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $6:$1+*@$3 $: ? $)> <$1+$2@$3> <$4> <$5 $6> <$7>
R<?> <$+ + $* @ $+> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $1+*@$3 $: ? $)> <$1+$2@$3> <$4> <+ $5> <$6>
R<?> <$+ + $* @ $+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $6:$1@$3 $: ? $)> <$1+$2@$3> <$4> <$5 $6> <$7>
R<?> <$+ + $* @ $+> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $1@$3 $: ? $)> <$1+$2@$3> <$4> <+ $5> <$6>
R<?> <$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>	$@ <$2> <$5>
R<$+ <TMPF>> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>	$@ <<TMPF>> <$5>
R<$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>		$@ <$1> <$5>

###  E: LookUpExact -- search for an entry in access database
###	Parameters:
###		<$1> -- key
###		<$2> -- default (what to return if not found in db)
###		<$3> -- mark (must be <(!|+) single-token>)
###			! does lookup only with tag
###			+ does lookup with and without tag
###		<$4> -- passthru (additional data passed unchanged through)

R<$*> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>		$: <$(access $4:$1 $: ? $)> <$1> <$2> <$3 $4> <$5>
R<?> <$+> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>	$: <$(access $1 $: ? $)> <$1> <$2> <+ $3> <$4>
R<?> <$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>	$@ <$2> <$5>
R<$+ <TMPF>> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>	$@ <<TMPF>> <$5>
R<$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>		$@ <$1> <$5>

###  U: LookUpUser -- search for an entry in access database
###	lookup of key (which should be a local part) and
###	variations if +detail exists: +* and without +detail
###	Parameters:
###		<$1> -- key (user@)
###		<$2> -- default (what to return if not found in db)
###		<$3> -- mark (must be <(!|+) single-token>)
###			! does lookup only with tag
###			+ does lookup with and without tag
###		<$4> -- passthru (additional data passed unchanged through)

R<$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>		$: <$(access $4:$1 $: ? $)> <$1> <$2> <$3 $4> <$5>
R<?> <$+> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>	$: <$(access $1 $: ? $)> <$1> <$2> <+ $3> <$4>
R<?> <$+ + $* @> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $5:$1+*@ $: ? $)> <$1+$2@> <$3> <$4 $5> <$6>
R<?> <$+ + $* @> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $1+*@ $: ? $)> <$1+$2@> <$3> <+ $4> <$5>
R<?> <$+ + $* @> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $5:$1@ $: ? $)> <$1+$2@> <$3> <$4 $5> <$6>
R<?> <$+ + $* @> <$*> <+ $-> <$*>
			$: <$(access $1@ $: ? $)> <$1+$2@> <$3> <+ $4> <$5>
R<?> <$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>	$@ <$2> <$5>
R<$+ <TMPF>> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>	$@ <<TMPF>> <$5>
R<$+> <$*> <$- $-> <$*>		$@ <$1> <$5>

###  SearchList: search a list of items in the access map
###	Parameters:
###		<exact tag> $| <mark:address> <mark:address> ... <>
###	where "exact" is either "+" or "!":
###	<+ TAG>	lookup with and w/o tag
###	<! TAG>	lookup with tag
###	possible values for "mark" are:
###		D: recursive host lookup (LookUpDomain)
###		E: exact lookup, no modifications
###		F: full lookup, try user+ext na domain and user na domain
###		U: user lookup, try user+ext and user (input must have trailing @)
###	return: <RHS of lookup> or <?> (not found)

# class with valid marks for SearchList
C{src}E F D U
# just call the ruleset with the name of the tag... nice trick...
R<$+> $| <$={src}:$*> <$*>	$: <$1> $| <$4> $| $>$2 <$3> <?> <$1> <>
R<$+> $| <> $| <?> <>		$@ <?>
R<$+> $| <$+> $| <?> <>		$@ $>SearchList <$1> $| <$2>
R<$+> $| <$*> $| <$+> <>	$@ <$3>
R<$+> $| <$+>			$@ <$2>

###  trust_auth: is user trusted to authenticate as someone else?
###	Parameters:
###		$1: AUTH= parameter from MAIL command

R$*			$: $&{auth_type} $| $1
# required by RFC 2554 section 4.
R$@ $| $*		$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 not authenticated"
R$* $| $&{auth_authen}		$@ identical
R$* $| <$&{auth_authen}>	$@ identical
R$* $| $*		$: $1 $| $>"Local_trust_auth" $1
R$* $| $#$*		$#$2
R$*			$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 " $&{auth_authen} " not allowed to act as
" $&{auth_author}

###  Relay_Auth: allow relaying based on authentication?
###	Parameters:
###		$1: ${auth_type}

###  srv_features: which features to offer to a client?
###	(done in server)
R$*		$: $>D <$&{client_name}> <?> <! "Srv_Features"> <>
R<?>$*		$: $>A <$&{client_addr}> <?> <! "Srv_Features"> <>
R<?>$*		$: <$(access "Srv_Features": $: ? $)>
R<?>$*		$@ OK
R<$* <TMPF>>$*	$#temp
R<$+>$*		$# $1

###  try_tls: try to use STARTTLS?
###	(done in client)
R$*		$: $>D <$&{server_name}> <?> <! "Try_TLS"> <>
R<?>$*		$: $>A <$&{server_addr}> <?> <! "Try_TLS"> <>
R<?>$*		$: <$(access "Try_TLS": $: ? $)>
R<?>$*		$@ OK
R<$* <TMPF>>$*	$#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure. Please
try again later."
R<NO>$*		$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 do not try TLS with " $&{server_name}
" ["$&{server_addr}"]"

###  tls_rcpt: is connection with server "good" enough?
###	(done in client, per recipient)
###	Parameters:
###		$1: recipient
R$*			$: $(macro {TLS_Name} $@ $&{server_name} $) $1
R$+			$: <?> $>CanonAddr $1
R<?> $+ < @ $+ . >	<?> $1 <@ $2 >
R<?> $+ < @ $+ >	$: $1 <@ $2 > $| <F:$1@$2> <U:$1@> <D:$2> <E:>
R<?> $+			$: $1 $| <U:$1@> <E:>
R$* $| $+	$: $1 $| $>SearchList <! "TLS_Rcpt"> $| $2 <>
R$* $| <?>	$@ OK
R$* $| <$* <TMPF>>	$#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure.
Please try again later."
R$* $| <$+>	$@ $>"TLS_connection" $&{verify} $| <$2>

###  tls_client: is connection with client "good" enough?
###	(done in server)
###	Parameters:
###		${verify} $| (MAIL|STARTTLS)
R$*		$: $(macro {TLS_Name} $@ $&{server_name} $) $1
R$* $| $*	$: $1 $| $>D <$&{client_name}> <?> <! "TLS_Clt"> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$: $1 $| $>A <$&{client_addr}> <?> <! "TLS_Clt"> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$: $1 $| <$(access "TLS_Clt": $: ? $)>
R$* $| <$* <TMPF>>	$#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure.
Please try again later."
R$*		$@ $>"TLS_connection" $1

###  tls_server: is connection with server "good" enough?
###	(done in client)
###	Parameter:
###		${verify}
R$*		$: $(macro {TLS_Name} $@ $&{server_name} $) $1
R$*		$: $1 $| $>D <$&{server_name}> <?> <! "TLS_Srv"> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$: $1 $| $>A <$&{server_addr}> <?> <! "TLS_Srv"> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$: $1 $| <$(access "TLS_Srv": $: ? $)>
R$* $| <$* <TMPF>>	$#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure.
Please try again later."
R$*		$@ $>"TLS_connection" $1

###  TLS_connection: is TLS connection "good" enough?
###	Parameters:
###		${verify} $| <Requirement> [<>]
###		Requirement: RHS from access map, may be ? for none.
R$* $| <$*>$*			$: $1 $| <$2>
# create the appropriate error codes
R$* $| <PERM + $={tls} $*>	$: $1 $| <503:5.7.0> <$2 $3>
R$* $| <TEMP + $={tls} $*>	$: $1 $| <403:4.7.0> <$2 $3>
R$* $| <$={tls} $*>		$: $1 $| <403:4.7.0> <$2 $3>
# deal with TLS handshake failures: abort
RSOFTWARE $| <$-:$+> $* 	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " TLS handshake failed."
RSOFTWARE $| $* 		$#error $@ 4.7.0 $: "403 TLS handshake failed."
R$* $| <$*> <VERIFY>		$: <$2> <VERIFY> <> $1
R$* $| <$*> <VERIFY + $+>	$: <$2> <VERIFY> <$3> $1
R$* $| <$*> <$={tls}:$->$*	$: <$2> <$3:$4> <> $1
R$* $| <$*> <$={tls}:$- + $+>$*	$: <$2> <$3:$4> <$5> $1
R$* $| $*			$@ OK
# authentication required: give appropriate error
# other side did authenticate (via STARTTLS)
R<$*><VERIFY> <> OK		$@ OK
R<$*><VERIFY> <$+> OK		$: <$1> <REQ:0> <$2>
R<$*><VERIFY:$-> <$*> OK	$: <$1> <REQ:$2> <$3>
R<$*><ENCR:$-> <$*> $*		$: <$1> <REQ:$2> <$3>
R<$-:$+><VERIFY $*> <$*>	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " authentication required"
R<$-:$+><VERIFY $*> <$*> FAIL	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " authentication failed"
R<$-:$+><VERIFY $*> <$*> NO	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " not authenticated"
R<$-:$+><VERIFY $*> <$*> NOT	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " no authentication
R<$-:$+><VERIFY $*> <$*> NONE	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " other side does not
support STARTTLS"
R<$-:$+><VERIFY $*> <$*> $+	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " authentication failure
" $4
R<$*><REQ:$-> <$*>		$: <$1> <REQ:$2> <$3> $>max $&{cipher_bits} :
R<$*><REQ:$-> <$*> $-		$: <$1> <$2:$4> <$3> $(arith l $@ $4 $@ $2 $)
R<$-:$+><$-:$-> <$*> TRUE	$#error $@ $2 $: $1 " encryption too weak " $4
" less than " $3
R<$-:$+><$-:$-> <$*> $*		$: <$1:$2 ++ $5>
R<$-:$+ ++ >			$@ OK
R<$-:$+ ++ $+ >			$: <$1:$2> <$3>
R<$-:$+> < $+ ++ $+ >		<$1:$2> <$3> <$4>
R<$-:$+> $+			$@ $>"TLS_req" $3 $| <$1:$2>

###  TLS_req: check additional TLS requirements
###	Parameters: [<list> <of> <req>] $| <$-:$+>
###		$-: SMTP reply code
###		$+: Enhanced Status Code
R $| $+		$@ OK
R<CN> $* $| <$+>		$: <CN:$&{TLS_Name}> $1 $| <$2>
R<CN:$&{cn_subject}> $* $| <$+>		$@ $>"TLS_req" $1 $| <$2>
R<CN:$+> $* $| <$-:$+>	$#error $@ $4 $: $3 " CN " $&{cn_subject} " does
not match " $1
R<CS:$&{cert_subject}> $* $| <$+>	$@ $>"TLS_req" $1 $| <$2>
R<CS:$+> $* $| <$-:$+>	$#error $@ $4 $: $3 " Cert Subject "
$&{cert_subject} " does not match " $1
R<CI:$&{cert_issuer}> $* $| <$+>	$@ $>"TLS_req" $1 $| <$2>
R<CI:$+> $* $| <$-:$+>	$#error $@ $4 $: $3 " Cert Issuer "
$&{cert_issuer} " does not match " $1
ROK			$@ OK

###  max: return the maximum of two values separated by :
###	Parameters: [$-]:[$-]
R:		$: 0
R:$-		$: $1
R$-:		$: $1
R$-:$-		$: $(arith l $@ $1 $@ $2 $) : $1 : $2
RTRUE:$-:$-	$: $2
R$-:$-:$-	$: $2

###  RelayTLS: allow relaying based on TLS authentication
###	Parameters:
###		none
# authenticated?
R$*			$: <?> $&{verify}
R<?> OK			$: OK		authenticated: continue
R<?> $*			$@ NO		not authenticated
R$*			$: $&{cert_issuer}
R$+			$: $(access CERTISSUER:$1 $)
RSUBJECT		$: <@> $&{cert_subject}
R<@> $+			$: <@> $(access CERTSUBJECT:$1 $)
R$*			$: NO

###  authinfo: lookup authinfo in the access map
###	Parameters:
###		$1: {server_name}
###		$2: {server_addr}
R$*		$: $1 $| $>D <$&{server_name}> <?> <! AuthInfo> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$: $1 $| $>A <$&{server_addr}> <?> <! AuthInfo> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$: $1 $| <$(access AuthInfo: $: ? $)> <>
R$* $| <?>$*	$@ no				no authinfo available
R$* $| <$*> <>	$# $2



###   SMTP Mailer specification   ###

#####  $Id: smtp.m4,v 8.64 2001/04/03 01:52:54 gshapiro Exp $  #####

#  common sender and masquerading recipient rewriting
R$* < @ $* > $*		$@ $1 < @ $2 > $3		already fully qualified
R$+			$@ $1 < @ *LOCAL* >		add local qualification

#  convert pseudo-domain addresses to real domain addresses

# pass <route-addr>s through
R< @ $+ > $*		$@ < @ $1 > $2			resolve <route-addr>

# output fake domains as user%fake na relay

# do UUCP heuristics; note that these are shared with UUCP mailers
R$+ < @ $+ .UUCP. >	$: < $2 ! > $1			convert to UUCP form
R$+ < @ $* > $*		$@ $1 < @ $2 > $3		not UUCP form

# leave these in .UUCP form to avoid further tampering
R< $&h ! > $- ! $+	$@ $2 < @ $1 .UUCP. >
R< $&h ! > $-.$+ ! $+	$@ $3 < @ $1.$2 >
R< $&h ! > $+		$@ $1 < @ $&h .UUCP. >
R< $+ ! > $+		$: $1 ! $2 < @ $Y >		use UUCP_RELAY
R$+ < @ $~[ $* : $+ >	$@ $1 < @ $4 >			strip mailer: part
R$+ < @ >		$: $1 < @ *LOCAL* >		if no UUCP_RELAY

#  envelope sender rewriting
R$+			$: $>PseudoToReal $1		sender/recipient common
R$* :; <@>		$@				list:; special case
R$*			$: $>MasqSMTP $1		qualify unqual'ed names
R$+			$: $>MasqEnv $1			do masquerading

#  envelope recipient rewriting --
#  also header recipient if not masquerading recipients
R$+			$: $>PseudoToReal $1		sender/recipient common
R$+			$: $>MasqSMTP $1		qualify unqual'ed names
R$* < @ *LOCAL* > $*	$: $1 < @ $j . > $2

#  header sender and masquerading header recipient rewriting
R$+			$: $>PseudoToReal $1		sender/recipient common
R:; <@>			$@				list:; special case

# do special header rewriting
R$* <@> $*		$@ $1 <@> $2			pass null host through
R< @ $* > $*		$@ < @ $1 > $2			pass route-addr through
R$*			$: $>MasqSMTP $1		qualify unqual'ed names
R$+			$: $>MasqHdr $1			do masquerading

#  relay mailer header masquerading recipient rewriting
R$+			$: $>MasqSMTP $1
R$+			$: $>MasqHdr $1

Msmtp,		P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP, R=EnvToSMTP,
E=\r\n, L=990,
		A=TCP $h
Mesmtp,		P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP, R=EnvToSMTP,
E=\r\n, L=990,
		A=TCP $h
Msmtp8,		P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX8, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP, R=EnvToSMTP,
E=\r\n, L=990,
		A=TCP $h
Mdsmtp,		P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa%, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP, R=EnvToSMTP,
E=\r\n, L=990,
		A=TCP $h
Mrelay,		P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa8, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP, R=MasqSMTP,
E=\r\n, L=2040,
		A=TCP $h

###   PROCMAIL Mailer specification   ###

#####  $Id: procmail.m4,v 8.22 2001/11/12 23:11:34 ca Exp $  #####

Mprocmail,	P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=DFMSPhnu9, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP,
		A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u

###   Local and Program Mailer specification   ###

#####  $Id: local.m4,v 8.58 2000/10/26 01:58:29 ca Exp $  #####

#  Envelope sender rewriting
R<@>			$n			errors to mailer-daemon
R@ <@ $*>		$n			temporarily bypass Sun bogosity
R$+			$: $>AddDomain $1	add local domain if needed
R$*			$: $>MasqEnv $1		do masquerading

#  Envelope recipient rewriting
R$+ < @ $* >		$: $1			strip host part
R$+ + $*		$: < $&{addr_type} > $1 + $2	mark with addr type
R<e s> $+ + $*		$: $1			remove +detail for sender
R< $* > $+		$: $2			else remove mark

#  Header sender rewriting
R<@>			$n			errors to mailer-daemon
R@ <@ $*>		$n			temporarily bypass Sun bogosity
R$+			$: $>AddDomain $1	add local domain if needed
R$*			$: $>MasqHdr $1		do masquerading

#  Header recipient rewriting
R$+			$: $>AddDomain $1	add local domain if needed
R$* < @ *LOCAL* > $*	$: $1 < @ $j . > $2

#  Common code to add local domain name (only if always-add-domain)
R$* < @ $* > $* 	$@ $1 < @ $2 > $3	already fully qualified

R$+			$@ $1 < @ *LOCAL* >	add local qualification

Mlocal,		P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9,
S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
		A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u
Mprog,		P=/usr/sbin/smrsh, F=lsDFMoqeu9, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL,
R=EnvToL/HdrToL, D=$z:/,
		A=smrsh -c $u


Daniel Hrbac
talk na advokati.biz
skype: hrbacdaniel

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