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FDeloris Ashlee kissingzoo na
Úterý Prosinec 18 10:30:06 CET 2007

Watch ENERBRITE TECHNOLOGI  Soar Tomorrow ( monday 17th Dec ) 

Symbol: ETGU
Currently : .004

Big News is due out this week and trading volume is off the charts.

People are loading up. Read the latest PR and find out what they know.
You'll want to get in on SHTP too.

Dont miss this chance to ride a multibagger.

Add ETGU to your Radar and get in MONDAY before the news gets out.

Clinton was referring to her campaign.s New Hampshire co-chairman, Bill Shaheen, who told a Washington Post reporter Wednesday that Obama's chances of winning a general election would likely be hindered by his use of drugs as a young man.

New Jersey also will require preschoolers to get a pneumococcal vaccine and sixth-graders to get vaccines against meningitis, which New Jersey already requires for college dormitory residents, and a booster shot against whooping cough, which in recent years has seen a resurgence blamed on waning potency of shots given to infants and preschoolers.

It's surprising that it never got thrown away," he said. "How someone found it, I don't know."

The new vaccines will be available for free for low-income families, and private insurers generally will cover the cost.

Cool and athletic, focused and unflappable, he's not someone who's going to give up on humanity just because the odds are stacked against him. Even at several billion to one, he's still adamant he can fix this thing.

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