The Basel Handbook (2nd edition)

Amy Cole amy.cole na
Středa Prosinec 12 20:05:00 CET 2007

I enclose details of our best selling Basel II Handbook.   
Now in its second edition, this bestselling handbook has been fully updated and expanded in light of important changes to the new Basel II Accord such as: the asset classes required under Pillar 1, the new required elements for capital adequacy and the minimum capital requirements for securitization and operational risk, credit risk mitigation, supervisory review and market discipline.    
Through trial and error, the three pillars have evolved and some of the original ideas have proved to be impractical. This popular handbook methodically identifies the fundamental changes and recent additions to Basel II, such as increased flexibility, risk sensitivity and new OpRisk capital charge. It provides a clear rationale for the revised accord and even covers those elements that are still excluded such as liquidity risk, reputational risk and legal risk.   

You are presented with a unique opportunity to learn about every possible consequence of the Basel Accord from global thought leaders and fellow practitioners such as Michael Pykhtin, Steven Zhu, Ashish Dev and Scott D. Aguais amongst many others. You will find yourself referring to this essential handbook on a daily basis and find its clear guidelines essential for rolling out and implementing all systems affected by the Accord's various regulations.    
Looking at the challenges banks face in complying with the new requirements of Basel II, this invaluable title quantifies the potential downstream impact of Basel II on the financial industry. In addition it assesses the degree of constraint the proposals are likely to impose on business and highlights the profound implications of Basel II on:    
-Rating agencies    
-Financial industry    
-Global and local competition    
-Costs and capital    
This book is essential reading for any financial practitioner affected by the Basel II accord, including chief financial officers, chief operating officers, chief investment officers, risk managers, credit risk managers, senior compliance officers, and also those working in the fields of operational risk, compliance, regulation, credit, and risk management.   

For a complete overview of this report click on:   

Report Index:   
Section 1: Parameterisation of the Internal Ratings-Based Approach    
- Development and Validation of Key Estimates for Capital Models (Updated)   
Michel Araten   
- Correlation in Basel II: Derivation and Evaluation (Updated)   
Christian Bluhm and Ludger Overbeck   
- Explaining the Credit Risk Elements in Basel II (Updated)   
Simon Hills   
- Loss Given Default and Recovery Risk: From Basel II Standards to Effective Risk Management Tools (Updated)   
Andrea Resti and Andrea Sironi   
- Assessing the Validity of Basel II Models in Measuring Risk of Credit Portfolios (New)   
Leonid V. Philosophov   
- Measuring Counterparty Credit Risk for Trading Products under Basel II (New)   
Michael Pykhtin and Steven Zhu   
Section 2: Implementation and Testing of Compliant IRB Systems   
- Implementation of an IRB Compliant Rating System (Updated)   
Sebastian Fritz, Michael Luxenburger and Thomas Miehe   
- Stress Tests of Banks' Regulatory Capital Adequacy: Application to Tier 1 Capital and to Pillar 2 Stress Tests (Updated)   
Esa Jokivuolle and Samu Peura   
- Advanced Credit Model Performance Testing to Meet Basel Requirements: How Things Have Changed! (Updated)   
Donald R. van Deventer, Xiaoming Wang and Li Li    
- Designing and Implementing a Basel II Compliant PIT-TTC Ratings Framework (Updated)   
Scott D. Aguais, Lawrence R. Forest, Jr., Martin King, Marie Claire Lennon and    
Brola Lordkipanidze   
- Basel II in the Light of Moody's KMV Evidence (Updated)   
Martti Purhonen   
- Dynamics of Rating Systems - TTC versus PIT (New)   
Erik Heitfield   
- Rating and PD Validation (New)   
Dirk Tasche   
Section 3: Securitisations and Retail Portfolios   
- Basel II Capital Adequacy Rules for Retail Exposures (Updated)   
Ashish Dev   
- IRB-Compliant Models in Retail Banking   
Richard Norgate   
- Basel II Capital Adequacy Rules for Securitizations (Updated)   
Vandana Rao    
- Securitization Issues and Recent Resolutions in Basel II (New)   
Ludger Overbeck   
Section 4: Regulatory Expectations and Disclosure Issues   
- Regulatory Priorities and Expectations in the Implementation of the IRB Approach (Updated)   
Edward Duncan   
- Market Discipline and Appropriate Disclosure in Basel II   
Lawrence J. White   
- Validation of Banks' Internal Rating Systems - A Supervisory Perspective (New)   
Stefan Blochwitz and Stefan Hohl   
- Rebalancing the Three Pillars of Basel II (New)   
Jean-Charles Rochet   
Section 5: Implementing the Advanced Measurement Approach for Operational Risk   
- Implementing a Basel II Scenario-Based AMA for Operational Risk   
Ulrich Anders and Gerrit Jan van den Brink   
- Loss Distribution Approach in Practice   
Antoine Frachot, Olivier Moudoulaud and Thierry Roncalli   
- An Operational Risk Ratings Model Approach to Better Measurement and Management of Operational Risk (Updated)   
Anthony Peccia   
Section 6: Loss Database and Insurance   
- Constructing an Operational Event Database   
Michael Haubenstock   
- Insurance and Operational Risk (Updated)   
John Thirwell   

Hard Copy : EUR 188   

Ordering - Three easy ways to place your order:   
1] Order online at   
2] Order by fax: Print an Order form from and Fax to +353 1 4100 980   
3] Order by mail: Print an Order form from and post to Research and Markets Ltd. Guinness Center, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8. Ireland.   

Related report also available from Research and Markets:   
Valuing a Bank Under IAS/IFRS and Basel II - http://www.researchandmarketscom/product/03657d/valuing_a_bank_under_iasifrs_and_basel_ii   

Thank you for your consideration.   

Best Regards,   
Amy Cole
Senior Manager
Research and Markets Ltd
amy.cole na   

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