Jirka Kosek jirka na
Pondělí Květen 27 15:58:52 CEST 2002

Jiri_Navratil na wrote:

> Linky mezi jednotlivymi HTMLHelpy funguji bezvadne. Dekuji za radu.
> Pouzil jsem zatim ulink, olink budu muset teprve nastudovat.
> Chtel bych se jeste zeptat, zda-li by bylo mozne krome toho,
> ze se dostanu linkem do jineho *.chm jej take i nejak jednoduse vyvolat,
> takze bych v okne prvniho HTMLHelpu videl html stranku z druheho HTMLHelpu
> a zaroven by se mi tento i spustil.

Vím o dvou možnostech, možná jsou i nějaké další.

1. Několik knih, můžete spojit do jednoho dokumentu (obalíte je
elementem set) a vygenerujete z něj jeden velký HTML Help.

2. HTML Help umí sám spojit několik .chm souborů, podrobně je to popsáno
v jeho dokumentaci:

To merge multiple help files at run time 
Open a project (.hhp) file, and then click Change Project Options.  
Change Project Options 

Specifies files, compiler, window, and other project settings. 

On the Merge Files tab, click Add. 
In the Specify the name of the file to merge box, enter the appropriate
file name. 
The merge occurs at run time, which is when the compiled help (.chm)
file is opened. Because of this, all merged compiled help files must be
shipped with the main compiled help file, and all must be located in the
same directory. 
This procedure merges the index, Keyword links (KLinks), Associative
links (ALinks), and full-text search information from multiple compiled
help files. Unified index and search information appears in the
Navigation pane of the Help Viewer. 
If you also want a unified table of contents, you must create a contents
file that links to other contents files. 
The merge feature will not work if you compile a help file and set the
compatibility to version 1.0. 
There are special considerations when linking between merged help files. 
  About merging help files at run time  

  Jirka Kosek  	                     
  e-mail: jirka na

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