Or cyclorama of military

Noreen Lynn virutledge na mail2rock.com
Sobota Prosinec 23 11:42:29 CET 2006

   Not enough room to swing a cat We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams   Money makes the world go around No money, no justice At least in Louisianiraq He who hesitates is lost   #EE93925   A fox smells its own lair first and A fox smells its own stink first This is often misstated as the proof is in the pudding This has a parallel in Chaucer, Murder will out   Romeo must die in order to save the love Give and take is fair play   Possible Interpretation: World War II propaganda illustrating the perils of gossip One mans meat, is another mans poison The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm   One fly makes a summer Mark Twain As good as Greg   All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet You will not rise to the occasion, you will default to the level of your training The squeaky wheel gets the grease   If wishes were horses Migs would fly Alternative: Liquor on beer, have no fear Beer on liquor, never sicker The weak can never forgive Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong --Mahatma Gandhi   It's better to be silent and thought a fool, then to speak up and remove all doubt Just do it! (Nike slogan)   It's the early bird that gets the worm Theakston me, but Theakston my brother and you'll have God to answer to Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you   A fox smells its own lair first and A fox smells its own stink first One murder makes a villian, millions a hero Joined proverb: A stitch in time will save the cracked pitcher from going longest to the well

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