Linux konferencia linux na vdstudentserv01.utc.sk
Pátek Listopad 8 08:42:59 CET 1996

	Hi !

Moze mi niekto blizsie vysvetlit format .ELF, zaujima ma hlavne ci je
jeden alebo je to len drh binarky, teda pre kazdy system.
Program mi vyhlasuje takuto chybu:
 bash: ./brand: No such file or directory
Identifikaci suboru brand:
 brand: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, stripped


 |\/\/\/|  -=Matus Hrusovsky=-                   e-mail: mathew na mathew.utc.sk
 |      |     student of Faculty of Management Science
 |      |                The University of Transport and Communications 
 | (o)(o)                Zilina, Slovakia
 c      _)    
  | ,___|     Projects: Administrator on mathew.utc.sk http://mathew.utc.sk
  |   /                 Internet connectivity, reliability & vulnerability
/      \                         ...i just want something i can never have...

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