Konfigurace Samby (offtopic)

Jan Kasprzak kas na informatics.muni.cz
Sobota Leden 17 22:08:01 CET 1998

kebrle.jan na nex.tel.cz pise:
: Nastaveni sdileni slozek na Linuxu, ale hesla a jmena pro prihlaseni
: potrebuji ziskavat z domeny INTRANET

	Zkuste si precist sekci "password server" v smb.conf(5).
Melo by stacit "security = server" a "password server = <jmeno_NT_stroje>".
Taktez je mozne provadet kompletni autentikaci pres domain controller
(tedy treba prihlasovani na Linux a podobne) - viz modul pam_smb
(samozrejme pokud mate system s PAM - napriklad RedHat).


\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at fi.muni.cz>       http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/
\\ PGP: finger kas at aisa.fi.muni.cz   0D99A7FB206605D7 8B35FCDE05B18A5E //
\\\             Czech Linux Homepage:  http://www.linux.cz/              ///
|| I find that the algol60 interpreter, teco and jclsh (ibm JCL emulator  ||
|| shell) are very good for teaching people that computing has moved on.  ||
||                           -- Alan Cox in redhat-devel                  ||

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