MRTG a reseni

Petr Simek petrsi na
Neděle Říjen 4 16:10:58 CEST 1998

> Kdyz spustim MRTG tak funguje, ale hlasi mi tenhle problem :
> # mrtg mrtg.cfg
> Scalar found where operator expected at /usr/local/sbin//
> line 323, near "index_compare ($base_index"
>         (Do you need to predeclare index_compare?)

>   while ($base_index
>         && (!defined $end
>            || index_compare ($base_index, $end) < 0));   <- line 323

Nakonec jsem zacal zkouset naslepo a pomohlo napsat to na jednu radku :

  while ($base_index
        && (!defined $end || index_compare ($base_index, $end) < 0));

A je po problemu. Jen nechapu co mu presne vadilo.

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                             petrsi na                              |

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