Modem se nehlásí

Jirka "Eagle" Novák jiri_novak na
Pátek Duben 21 10:09:16 CEST 2000

> Navíc se mi uz povede obcas úspešne nastavim oba porty pomocí setserial, i
> kdyz jak kdy. Dost casto hlásí "Autoconfig error: Device or resource
> Myslím, ze je nastavuji dobre, první na 3F8, IRQ 4, druhý na 2F8, IRQ 3.

Mno, tak nevim... asi sem zkopiruju kus manovy stranky setserial  :-)

During the normal bootup process, only COM ports  1-4  are
       initialized,  using  the default I/O ports and IRQ values,
       as listed below.  In order to  initialize  any  additional
       serial  ports,  or  to  change the COM 1-4 ports to a non­
       stadard configuration, the  setserial  program  should  be
       used.   Typically  it  is called from an rc.serial script,
       which is usually run out of /etc/rc.local.

Vzhledem k tomu, ze COM1 i COM2 se snazite inicializovat na standardni
hodnoty, tak to v podstate neni treba. A jeste jeden kousek manovy stranky:

              During autoconfiguration, skip the UART test.  Some
              internal  modems do not have National Semiconductor
              compatible  UART's,  but  have   cheap   imitations
              instead.  Some of these cheasy imitations UART's do
              not fully  support  the  loopback  detection  mode,
              which  is  used  by  the  kernel to make sure there
              really is a UART at  a  particular  address  before
              attempting  to configure it.  So for certain inter­
              nal modems you will need to specify this  parameter
              so Linux can initialize the UART correctly.

S pozdravem

Jirka "Eagle" Novak
eagle na

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