Rychlost v Solarisu a v Linuxu

Martin 'Goran' Moravec goran na ipp.cas.cz
Pondělí Prosinec 11 15:04:02 CET 2000

> Linuxu to bezi trochu rychleji nez v Solarisu (mereno od oka), pak jsem
> ale v te inicializaci pridala jeden vnoreny cyklus a v Linuxu se ten
> program temer zastavil.
> Samozrejme me to trklo, ze to takhle dal nepujde, a castecne jsem kod
> optimalizovala (naucila jsem se zachazet s gprof a jine uzitecne veci
> :-). Ale zajimalo by me, jak to ze se to v Linuxu zpomalilo tak
> drasticky.

tady neco chybi,
bud poznamka, ze tohle vsechno byla jen takova uvaha,
nebo kus kodu.
nebo hezka pohadka
    A novice was trying to fix a broken lisp machine by turning the
power off and on.  Knight, seeing what the student was doing spoke sternly,
"You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding
of what is going wrong."  Knight turned the machine off and on.  The
machine worked.			
--					Just another from of life

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