SSI nejede

Robert Vojta penguin na
Pátek Červen 9 05:34:27 CEST 2000

# Mam cerstve instalovany apache-1.3.12-2 + devel.
# (+php3 a php3-mysql)

  A vypada to, ze jste cerstvy uzivatel linuxu ;-)

# V httpd.conf mam radky:
# AddType text/html .shtml
# AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

  to je dobre

# Cim to muze bejt?

  tim, ze si treba neprectete ani blbou dokumentaci k apachovi. je dodavana
s distribuci a standardne se tam aj instaluje, kdyz pustite poprve apache a
podivate se na server, mate tam dokumentaci:


Enabling Server-Side Includes


The following directive must be given for the directories containing the shtml 
files (typically in a <Directory> section, but this directive is also valid 
.htaccess files if AllowOverride Options is set): 

Options +Includes

  To znamena, co? Ze vam tam chybi "Options +Includes". Ten zapis znamena,
ze na radek kde mate Options neco neco neco, dodate jeste " Includes". Naleza
se to vetsinou mezi <Directory ...> ... </Directory>.

  S pozdravem,
    Robert Vojta


 Robert Vojta aka Penguin (Oo.oO)                           \)/ .-.
 Clark NetProject, spol. s r.o.                             ()  (w)
 Okruzni 29a                                         /_ ___  \\,=",
 63800 Brno                                          '-()-()   =/=\\
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 ICQ: 64746424, mobil: 0608-170783                   /`  \\|  ="=  `|
                                                   =="    `(0V0)    '--

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