
Michal Safranek safranek na jhrnet.cz
Čtvrtek Březen 16 19:38:10 CET 2000


> Ale jak mam donutit sendmaila, aby do zprav pridaval i odpovidajici
> X-Envelope-to: Nikde jsem k tomu nic nenasel.

... hmm, divne .. ja jsem to nasel na druhy pokus v altaviste - btw, je to
vynatek z SENDMAIL FAQ. Asi jste spatne hledal ... hodne spatne.


Q3.29 -- How can I add a header specifying the actual recipient when having
multiple users in a virtual domain go to a single mailbox?

   Date: July 2, 1998

   Stuffing multiple user's mail into a single mail box is not a good
   method of distributing user mail but if you must do this, the
   following solution should allow a tool like fetchmail to separate the
   messages for individual users.
    1. Use FEATURE(local_procmail) in your .mc file so procmail (which
       you must install separately) will deliver mail to the mailbox.
    2. Use FEATURE(virtusertable) to create a virtual user table entry
       for the domain as follows:
@domain.com     domuser+%1
       where domuser is the username of the mailbox you will be using.
    3. Put this in the respective domuser's $HOME/.procmailrc:

* ENV_TO ?? .
| formail -i "X-Envelope-To: "$ENV_TO@$DOMAIN

| formail -i "X-Envelope-To: UNKNOWN"
       This will insert an X-Envelope-To header with the original
       envelope recipient address when the message is delivered the
       normal way via the virtusertable, and UNKNOWN if for some reason
       it was sent directly to domuser.


S pozdravem,
                           Michal Safranek
Name : Michal Safranek <safranek(at)jhrnet.cz>
Descr: jhrnet.cz admin, fi.muni.cz student, linuxfan, human being
Motto: Linux is an operating system. Windows is a Nintendo with keyboard.

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