CSH + history

Daniel Mihalyi mihalyi na hornad.fei.tuke.sk
Středa Březen 29 16:07:14 CEST 2000

Petr Kolar <Petr.Kolar na vslib.cz> wrote:
> Musite mit tcsh, ale v Linuxu jine csh snad ani neni. Pak musite mit spravne
> nastaveny terminal. Prirazeni funkce ke vstupni klavese nebo retezci se
> dela prikazem bindkey (viz man tcsh), listovani v historii je up-history
> a down-history. Podle man tcsh dela tcsh nastaveni techto dvou funkci
> automaticky, takze nespis bude opravdu problem v nastaveni terminalu
> (echo $TERM). Retezce generovane jednotlivymi klavesami lze zjistit
> prikazem infocmp $TERM - kursor nahoru je kcuu1, kursor dolu kcud1.

> Treba pro xterm je potreba

> bindkey "\eOA" up-history
> atd.

> Me stve, ze automaticky nefunguje Home, End a Delete.

Man csh


       The  shell  always binds the arrow keys (as defined in the
       TERMCAP environment variable) to

		down    down-history
		up     	up-history
		left    backward-char
		right   forward-char

	unless doing so would alter another single-character bind­
	ing.   One  can  set the arrow key escape sequences to the
	empty string with settc to prevent  these  bindings.   The
	ANSI/VT100 sequences for arrow keys are always bound.

				S pozdravom

 _                                                          mihalyi na tuke.sk
| \ _.._ o _ || _                    PGP: finger mihalyi na hornad.fei.tuke.sk
|_/(_|| ||(/_||(_)       Key fingerprint = 3EC4C1F877673B0E14F1A6B2EA143223

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