Antivirova kontrola posty na linuxu pro lokalnni sit ? Re: FW: Pozor na virus I love you

Alexandr Malusek malusek na
Čtvrtek Květen 4 18:00:55 CEST 2000

dufkaf na (Frantisek Dufka) writes:

> existuje pro linux software (free nebo i komercni) ktery umi subj?

Staci se podivat na uvodni stranku
a hned tam mate odkaz na

: ... Sendmail customers will now have access to powerful virus
: protection using Sophos Anti-Virus technology.
: Using Sendmail's recently launched Content Management API, Sophos is
: providing server-level virus defense by integrating its Sophos
: Anti-Virus Interface (SAVI) with products in the Sendmail Switch
: product line. Integrated server-level virus scanning is fast and
: flexible, eliminating viruses before they reach end-user desktops.

Je to marketingova zprava - proti novemu trojskemu koni je zminovana
"powerful virus protection" dle meho k nicemu. I pro antivirovy SW s
umelou inteligenci bude problem rozlisit napr. "firemni" makro od
makroviru, pokud firma neprijme specialni opatreni ohledne autentikace
spustitelneho SW.

A. Malusek  (malusek na

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