portfw a vnitrni sit

riha na isss.myto.cz riha na isss.myto.cz
Úterý Září 19 15:28:54 CEST 2000

U nas to (ne)funguje naprosto stejne. Portfw jsem zprovoznil nedavno  a pri 
instalaci jsem o tom cetl v jakemsi howto, je tam snad i reseni.
Adresa je
je tam napsano toto:

NOTE #2: With PORTFW in 2.2.x kernels, internal machines CANNOT use the same 
PORTFWed IP address to access an internal machine though it works fine with 
external computers on the Internet. If this is an issue for you, you can 
ALSO impliment the REDIR portfw tool to let internal machines get redirected 
to the internal server. One good think to note is the upcoming NetFilter 
toolset solves this issue. If you would like a technical explination of why 
this internal/external forwarding doesn't work, please see the end of this 
FAQ section. 

Na tom FAQ je celkem srozumitelne vysvetleno, proc to nefunguje.

Rad bych v blizke dobe tuto "zavadu" odstranil take, takze doufam, ze se nam 
to oboum povede ;)

S pozdravem B. Riha.

>Mam linuxik STROJ, ktery slouzi jakou fw/maskarada - dve karty. Mapuju
>nektere porty na vtnitrni servery, napr. 
>ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $extip 8000 -R cosi www
>no a problem je, ze zevnitr site nemuzu udelat 

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