Vývojové prostředí

Stanislav Meduna stanom na etm.at
Středa Únor 7 11:27:08 CET 2001

Ing. Pavel PaJaSoft Janousek schrieb in Nachricht
<3A810A94.B352DAF1 na fonet.cz>...

>Ono je take fakt, ze STL neni soucasti GCC, je to knihovna, ktera se
>vyviji samostatne...

Mimochodom, uz sa rozhodlo, ci je libstdc++ v3 GPL
alebo LGPL? Kedysi som videl nejake hadky na tuto temu
a pokial by bola GPL, bol by to dost vazny problem.

>Moc jsem ji nepouzival, ma skutecne takove problemy?

Jeden za vsetky: stringstream. Ten je az v novej stdc++. Kazdy
teda pouziva strstream, o ktorom sa ale da docitat:

"The strstream classes are deprecated, meaning that they may not
be part of a future C++ standard. The stringstring classes are
generally preferred. However, some legacy code still uses strstream
and some library implementations do not yet support stringstream."

auto_ptr ma v headri:
// Note: auto_ptr is commented out in this release because the details
//  of the interface are still being discussed by the C++ standardization
//  committee.  It will be included once the iterface is finalized.

Alokatory maju v headri:
// This implements some standard node allocators.  These are
// NOT the same as the allocators in the C++ draft standard or in
// in the original STL.  They do not encapsulate different pointer
// types; indeed we assume that there is only one pointer type.
// The allocation primitives are intended to allocate individual objects,
// not larger arenas as with the original STL allocators.

Nejaky problem bol aj s namespaces, ale uz neviem, co presne
(a namespaces ma zmrvene aj MSVC).

Toto vsetko su veci, na ktore som narazil ja osobne a to nie som
ziadny C++ ani STL guru.

>Pouzivam C++ preklad pres gcc... v cem vidite zasadni problemy,
>pouzivam std. veci z C++ (komentare, instance uvnitr bloku, pretezovani
>operatoru a funkci, vyjimky...), jedine co jsem nepouzil jsou

No ja prave vcelku dost pouzivam templates (pri praci s STL to
ani akosi inak nejde :-)). Viac-menej nepouzivam exceptions.

>a gcc mi spadlo snad jednou pred 2 lety

Niektore template konstrukcie nema rado. Tiez neviem presne
ktore, nakoniec sa skoro vzdy ukazalo, ze islo o chybny
alebo otazny kod a po oprave bol prekladac kludny a zvysok
siel vyriesit nejakymi mensimi permutaciami kodu, ale videl
som to viackrat.

Bohuzial si nemozem dovolit menit kompilatory a kniznice
na najnovsie nevelmi odladene verzie - zakaznici si mozu
doprogramovavat vlastne veci a musim teda pouzivat
to, co je v nami podporovnych distribuciach...


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