PHP Upload

Pavel Chalmoviansky chalmo na
Pondělí Leden 29 19:37:11 CET 2001

Dobry den,

riesime s  kolegami problem  s uploadovanim suborov  na server  pomocou PHP
scriptu.  Potrebovali by sme  uploadovat aj  subory vacsie  ako 2MB,  co je
horna hranica  (podla manualu), ktora  sa da nastavit vyssie,  ale bohuzial
neviem kde a ako. Jedine co som sa dozvedel je:

The MAX_FILE_SIZE  item cannot  specify a file  size greater than  the file
size that has  been set in the upload_max_filesize in  the PHP3.ini file or
the  corresponding  php3_upload_max_filesize  Apache .conf  directive.  The
default is 2 Megabytes.

Nenasiel som nikde dalsiu zmienku  o PHP3.ini ani Apache.conf subore. Mozte
ma nasmerovat? Vdaka


   Department of Geometry     
   Faculty of Mathematics and Physics   e-mail: chalmo na
   Comenius University                  ICQ:    92724719
   Bratislava                           tel:    +421-7-60295229
   Slovakia                             fax:    +421-7-65422263

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