ps2pdf a ceske znaky

Pavel Kankovsky peak na
Pondělí Květen 21 21:06:05 CEST 2001

On Mon, 21 May 2001, Erik Caha wrote:

> ps2pdf will sometimes convert text to high-resolution bitmapped fonts
> rather than to embedded outline fonts.  This will occur when the
> PostScript file uses Type 3, CIDFontType 1, or CIDFontType 4 fonts, or
> Type 0 fonts that reference any of these; it may also occur in some cases
> if the input file uses fonts with non-standard encodings, or in some other
> rare cases.

To neni problem s metrikami, ale s tim, ze uvedeny druh fontu nelze dost
dobre konvertovat jinak (to je pripad Type 3), pripadne to sice lze, ale
GS to z nejakeho duvodu neumi.

A co se tyce TeXu resp. PS z rise velkeho Billa: tam jsou casto fonty
bitmapove uz od zacatku (tj. uz v puvodnim PS).

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

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