Peter Surda shurdeek na
Pátek Srpen 9 17:26:57 CEST 2002

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 02:20:24AM +0200, Tibor Pittich wrote:
> Dňa 08. aug 2002 o 20:18, Martin Dufka napísal(a):
> > chtel bych se zeptat, jak se da zapnout podpora DMA pro disky a
> > CD-ROM.
> pozri: /etc/sysconfig/harddisks
Nie som si isty, ze to pomoze. Mandrake nemam, ale v RH je rc.sysinit napisany
tak, ze to s cdromkami nejde.


Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <shurdeek na>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023

Disclaimer: This E-mail, because of shabby security on the Internet, in no way
            reflects my thoughts or intentions. It may even not be from me!
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