
Tech tech na
Úterý Prosinec 10 07:41:08 CET 2002

Ten timezone sa nenastavuje v cupsd.conf.
To co ste mi napisali je len popis suboru access_log, kde si cups loguje
O timezone v cupsd.conf nie je ani zmienka. Tak kde  sa potom nastavuje ten
To vypada na problem s timezone, nastavuje se v /etc/cups/cupsd.conf :o(
viz "CUPS Software Administrators Manual"

Printer Accounting

CUPS maintains a log of all accesses, errors, and pages that are printed.
The log files are normally stored in the /var/log/cups directory. You can
change this by editing the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf configuration file.

The access_log File

The access_log file lists each HTTP resource that is accessed by a web
browser or CUPS/IPP client. Each line is in the so-called "Common Log
Format" used by many web servers and web reporting tools:

host group user date-time \"method resource version\" status bytes - - [20/May/1999:19:20:29 +0000] "POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1" 401 0 - mike [20/May/1999:19:20:31 +0000] "POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 0

The host field will normally only be an IP address unless you have enabled
the HostNameLookups directive in the cupsd.conf file.

The group field always contains "-" in CUPS.

The user field is the authenticated username of the requesting user. If no
username and password is supplied for the request then this field contains

The date-time field is the date and time of the request in local time and is
in the format:


where ZZZZ is the_* timezone*_ offset in hours and minutes from coordinated
universal time (UTC). UTC may sometimes be referred to as GMT or ZULU on
legacy systems.

Pavel Benisek

Tech wrote:

>Vo firme puzivam ako tlacovy server CUPS(1.1.16-0.4).Funguje super az na
>maly detail.
>Ked si dam vypisat zoznam vykonanych tlacovych uloh, tak su vzdy posunute o
>jednu hodinu dozadu voci systemovemu casu..

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