upgrade xfree v debian 2.2r4

Marek Blasko blasko na vuje.sk
Středa Leden 16 10:55:51 CET 2002

> Islo, len si budete musiet ustrazit zavislosti. Teda dpkg ich ustrazi,
> lenze bude treba zakazdym nieco dotiahnut.

to neva na RH som to robil pernamentne.
> Pokial ide o nadstavby, tak apt je commandlineova nadstavba. Ked som
> nezvladol dselect, tak som objavil apt a upgrade sa zmenil na:
> apt-get update
> apt-get upgrade

no dselect je podla mna dost zufali ale nemal som problem ho zvladnut.

ale verni svojmu zvyku z RH kde som pouzival len rpm som presedlal na
dpkg a som spokojni (az na male vynimky konkretne dpkg -l mi usekne meno
abi mu to vyslo do tabulky a ja neviem ako ho donutit abi pisal cele

najhorsie co vas moze v IT stretnut je:

Manager co o pocitacoch nic nevie, ale podpisuje a schvaluje ich nakup

First they came for the Communists,
     and I didn't speak up,
         because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
     and I didn't speak up,
         because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
     and I didn't speak up,
         because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
     and by that time there was no one
         left to speak up for me.

   by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

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