RAID1 na / (opet) - boot

Jan Derfinak ja na
Pátek Listopad 28 01:10:17 CET 2003

On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 md.konf na wrote:

> <mnt>/md1/etc/lilo.conf
> lba32
> boot=/dev/md0
> raid-extra-boot=auto
> disk=/dev/hda
>     bios=0x80
> disk=/dev/hdc
>     bios=0x82
> root=/dev/md1

Vsimol som si, ze zapisujete lilo do md0 pricom root particiu mate na md1. V
dokumentacii lila je tato poznamka:

Unstated, but required by an installation of LILO to a RAID
partition, all of the files used in booting must reside on the RAID
set.  This means:  initrd, kernel, and message files; plus the LILO
internal files:  map, boot.b, and chain.b, if used.  Normally, the
internal files are kept in the '/boot' directory.  Many distributions
of Linux also place the kernel and initrd files in this same
directory.  Others place them in the root, '/', directory.  Either
location is acceptable, as long as they are within the same RAID
partition which you are making bootable.  If the map file is not on 
the RAID partition, the FLAG_RAID_NOWRITE will be asserted with the
consequences indicated below.

> pokud zadam v <mnt>/md1/etc prikaz "lilo -C ./lilo.conf" dostanu:
> Warning: using BIOS device code 0x82 for RAID boot blocks
> Warning: /dev/md0 is not on the first disk
> Added Linux *
> Added LinuxOLD
> Added Linux(hdc1)
> The boot record of  /dev/md0  has been updated.
> Warning: /dev/hdc is not on the first disk
> The boot record of  /dev/hdc  has been updated.
> ----------
> coz bych rekl, ze neni nic spatneho - ano, skutecne zapisuju na hdc,
> coz neni prvni disk - jelikoz je md0 v degradovanem rezimu a
> neobsahuje hda, tak taky neni prvni disk.. To by nemelo vadit, ne?
> Chtel bych docilit toho, abych mohl nabootovat z hdc (neprehazuju
> nijak fyzicky disky, ale v BIOSu jen zmenim First boot device na
> HDD-2).

Nie som si isty, ale nesposobi tato akcia prehodenie bios cislovania diskov?
Nesnazi sa LILO nacitat kernel z 0x82, ale v tom case je ten disk 0x80?

Na Vasom mieste by som asi postupoval z opacneho konca. Originalny disk by
som nechal ako hdc a zacal by som vytvarat raid na hda. To by odstranilo
laborovanie z biosom.



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