kompilace jadra pro pentium4

Zdenek Pytela letty na mrakoplas.phil.muni.cz
Pondělí Září 8 10:31:18 CEST 2003

petr cezar píše:
> dobry den,
> rad bych si konecne zkusil kompilaci jadra a to pro procesor, ktery me 
> loni zbavil veskerych mych uspor
> mam red hat 9.0 s jejich jadrem 2.4.20-8
> v adresari se zdrojakem je podadresar 'configs', ktery tam 
> (predpokladam) vytvorily kluci z cerveneho klobouku
> prekopiroval jsem tedy jejich './configs/kernel-2.4.20-i686.config' na 
> './.config' a spustil 'make xconfig'. tam jsem pouze skrome priznal, 
> ze nemam nejaky lecjaky i686 nybrz primo pentium4 a konfiguraci ulozil
> pak dam 'make dep' a nakonec 'make install' a pak koukam, ze se pri 
> kompilaci jednotlivych souboru neustale objevuje '-march=i686' ...?
> ja jsem cekal spise '-march=pentium4 -mcpu=pentium4', ne?
> gcc v rh-9.0 uz pentium4 zna, nebo ne? nemusi se jeste nekde neco 
> nastavit? a nebo je to ok a vse se deje tak jak ma?
gcc (1), info gcc
           Tune to cpu-type everything applicable about the generated code,
           except for the ABI and the set of available instructions.  The
           choices for cpu-type are i386, i486, i586, i686, pentium,
           mmx, pentiumpro, pentium2, pentium3, pentium4, k6, k6-2, k6-3,
           athlon, athlon-tbird, athlon-4, athlon-xp and athlon-mp.

           While picking a specific cpu-type will schedule things appropri-
           ately for that particular chip, the compiler will not generate
           code that does not run on the i386 without the -march=cpu-type
           option being used.  i586 is equivalent to pentium and i686 is
           equivalent to pentiumpro.  k6 and athlon are the AMD chips as
           opposed to the Intel ones.

           Generate instructions for the machine type cpu-type.  The choices
           for cpu-type are the same as for -mcpu.  Moreover, specifying
           -march=cpu-type implies -mcpu=cpu-type.
a archiv konference


--Zdeněk Pytela, <letty na mrakoplas.phil.muni.cz>

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