Podivne chovani Apache

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar na fantomas.sk
Pondělí Únor 14 17:20:14 CET 2005

> On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 06:37:54PM +0100, Petr Vileta wrote:
>> reload() {
>>         echo -n $"Reloading $prog: "
>>         killproc $httpd -HUP
>>         RETVAL=$?
>>         echo
>> }

Dalibor Straka <dast na panelnet.cz> wrote:
> restart  Restarts  the  Apache daemon by sending it a SIGHUP. If the
>         daemon is not running, it is started.  This command
>         automatically checks the configuration files via configtest
>         before initiating the restart to make sure Apache doesn't die.

toto nie je nahodou z manualu apachectl? to je nieco mierne ine ako signal
HUP... apachectl vo vlastnej rezii skontroluje config, potom ci bezi
apache a pripadneho spusti. kill -HUP to nerobi.

> Podle manu poslani signalu HUP zpusobi restart. Jsou horsi demoni,
> jejich restart je bolestivy (bind ztrati cache, squid, ...)

ked uz hovorime o tomto, restart apache sposobi killnutie vsetkych
serverov okrem mastera, reopen vsetkych logov atd. Toto nesposobuje signal
USR1 (ktory posiela apachectl graceful).

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar na fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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