Nastaveni odesilani posty prez adsl

Ladislav Kubeček Kubecek na
Čtvrtek Březen 10 09:21:47 CET 2005

Mili Pratele!!!

        Jiz delsi dobu, se snazim vyresit odesilani posty v masqmailu prez
adsl, ale
stale to nejde.
Po delsim urgovani telecomu a dotazovani, se mi podarilo zjistit, ze jejich
zabezpecene pripojeni pro odesilani posty, kdy jejich serwer pozaduje
overeni, se deje prez protokol
PPPoA, nebo PPPoE.
Vic jsem znich nedostal.
Skusil jsem tedy soubor default.route v masqmailu nastavit takto:
# Example route file for masqmail
# see also: man 5 masqmail.route

# mail properties tested for:

# users that can send mail over this connection:
# this is a list of the local parts of the original return addresses, as
they are
# configured with your mail client. If not set, anybody may send.

#allowed_mail_locals = "okurth"

# local_hosts and local_nets will be checked before this.
# uses the dialup up list of,
# so I cannot send any mail over this connection to that domain.
# There are probably many others... :-( (No, this is okay. Nobody
# wants his mailbox stuffed to the ceiling with spam...)
# You will find this necessary only if you send mail directly
# (if mail_host is not set below)

#not_allowed_rcpt_domains = ""

# settings:

# the mail server which relays mail for you:
# if this is not set, mail will be sent directly.
# If your ISP gives has a mail server, it is wiser to use it:

mail_host = ""

# Make picky servers happy:
# If set, we look up our own name as seen from the network
# and send this in our HELO/EHLO message. Otherwise we send our host name,
# which is probably different for dialup conections and may be unknown
# Some servers complain,
# which is really crazy, since it is senseless to lie about it...
# Unfortunately, some ISPs do not give you a name, just an ip address. In
this case,
# we have a delay until the DNS lookup fails.

do_correct_helo = true

# 'forge' headers:

# return path and From: address are TWO different things:
# the return path is address where delivery failure messages will go
# to, and this address will be checked by many MTAs in the outside
# world, so it should be valid. It canNOT contain a real name:
# 'miller na' is a valid return path, but 'Charlie Miller
<miller na>' is NOT.
# The From: address is the address the recipient sees, and where
# replies will go to (if you do not set a Reply-to header). In most
# cases it corresponds to the return path, but this is not
# required. It CAN have a real name, both examples for Charlie above
# are correct, and it is more pretty to include a real name.
# The return path:
# if we send the mail directly, we can set any valid address here,
# use the one you prefer to get error messages to:
# Use EITHER set_return_path_domain OR map_return_path_addresses
# this sets the return path kurth na to kurth na
#set_return_path_domain = ""
# this sets okurth na to kurth na, and
# leaves all other addresses untouched:
#map_return_path_addresses = "okurth: kurth na"

# 'From:' header:
# Use EITHER set_h_from_domain OR map_h_from_addresses
#set_h_from_domain = ""
map_h_from_addresses = "localhost"

# if your mail server outside uses the AUTH machanism, set the following.
# You need to compile masqmail with AUTH support (--enable-auth option for
# for auth_name, only 'cram-md5' and 'login' are supported.
# see also: man 5 masqmail.route


# if your mail server requires smtp after POP (eg. gmx), set this.
# It is not necessary if you fetch from the pop server just before you
# send mail (either masqmail, fetchmail or any other pop client).
# Set it to a get file.
# You need to compile masqmail with pop3 support (default)
# pop3_login = "/etc/masqmail/example.get"
# see also: man 5 masqmail.route, man 5 masqmail.get

Skusil jsem i protokol:
, ale stale nefunguje, posta mi zustava ve fronte.
Jedna z moznosti, ktera mne napadla a o ktere ale nevim, jestli bude
fungovat, je vytvoreni vlastniho postovniho serveru, ktery by se
neprypojoval prez smtp server telecomu, ale komunikoval by s smtp serveri
Pracuji v distribuci  debian v prostredi emacsu, kde mi bezi postovni
program gnus.
Bohuzel, jine prostredi si zatim zvolit nemohu, protoze prostredi emacsu je
dobre ozvucene pro nevidome uzivatele linuxu.

Poradi nekdo co dal a jak prypadne postupovat pry konfiguraci vlastniho
postovniho serveru, napr exim, nebo xmail?

Moc diky.
Srdecne zdravi

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