Pripojeni samby k domenovemu serveru s W2003std

Pavel Kankovsky peak na
Sobota Srpen 26 18:16:23 CEST 2006

On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Zdenek Janis wrote:

> While processing a TGS request for the target server 
> host/server06.bravo, the account SERVER06$@BRAVO.SERVER did not have a 
> suitable key for generating a Kerberos ticket (the missing key has an ID 
> of 8). The requested etypes were 16.  The accounts available etypes were 
> 23  -133  -128  3  1.

Ta hláška může zjevně indikovat všelijaké potíže...

(Upřímně řečeno mám dojem, že implementace Kerbera v W2003 byla zase 
postižena nějakou inovací.)

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

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