Amavis whitelistuje na zaklade From i Return-Path

Adam Pribyl pribyl na
Pátek Únor 5 13:46:01 CET 2010

On Mon, 1 Feb 2010, Adam Pribyl wrote:

> Provedl jsem upgrade mailserveru z etche na lennyho.
> V amavisu pouzivam whitelistovani vlastnich domen a domena a emailu
> zakazniku. V lennym ale amavis, zda se, zmenil chovani pri whitelistovani
> a misto, aby whitelistoval na zaklade jen Return-Path jak je napsano v
> dokumentaci
> # The (hard) w/b listing in amavisd-new works on envelope sender address
> (i.e. the return-path). If triggered, the call to SA is skipped to save
> time, as it would not have a chance to overrule the w/b list decision
> already taken.
> # The soft w/b listing in amavisd-new (the @score_sender_maps, available
> since 2.0) also works on envelope sender address, but only modifies the
> spam score as returned by SA, and does not bypass calling SA.

Pokud to nekoho zajima, tak skutecne dokumentace na webu neni aktualni. 
Zmena je popsana v ponekud opulentnich release notes kapitola 
COMPATIBILITY WITH 2.5.4 Jako nahradu je potreba pouzit mechanismus 
@author_to_policy_bank_maps v kombinaci s MYNETS , ktery je sice pomerne 
zajimavy, ovsem amavisove zamotany.

Adam Pribyl

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