Postfix posila "Successful Mail Delivery Report"

Vláďa Macek macek na
Neděle Srpen 6 19:44:03 CEST 2017


Po letech stabilni a pohodove konfigurace Postfixu jsem dnes ve fronte
zjistil desitky neodeslanych mailu na nesmyslne adresy. Generuje je bounce
daemon Postfixu s obsahem:

    Your message was successfully delivered to the destination(s) listed
    below. If the message was delivered to mailbox you will receive no
    further notifications. Otherwise you may still receive notifications of
    mail delivery errors from other systems.

    A navic nekdy napise, ze adresa byla expandovana na jinou apod.

Spammerske maily, ktere se dostaly dovnitr serveru, zrejme nekdy vyzaduji
DSN o uspesnem doruceni, jak jsem dohledal, zrejme pomoci volby
"NOTIFY=SUCCESS" v obalce.

Obecne nemam rad potvrzovani dorucovani e-mailu. Pro vypnuti se doporucuje
toto nastaveni:

smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = silent-discard, dsn

V docu se pise:

    Unfortunately, disallowing "success" notification requests requires
    disallowing other DSN requests as well.

Pouzivate nekdo uvedene nastaveni a jake neblahe postranni efekty jste


: Vlada Macek  :  : +420 608 978 164
: UNIX && Dev || Training : Python, Django : PGP key 97330EBD

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