Qmail a forward posty

Vladimir Smelhaus smelhaus na bpt.cz
Čtvrtek Srpen 9 16:01:19 CEST 2001

Dne 9 Aug 2001, v 15:51, pkucera na mh.vri.cz napsal(a):

>  Ja bych se tedy chtel zeptat, po jak dlouhe dobe to zkousi qmail
> standartne preposlat a zda se to da nekde nastavit. Bohuzel jsem
> nenasel v zadnym manualu, ktery jsem cetl, ze by sla nastavit tato
> hodnota. Mozna jsem se dival spatne a neco prehledl, coz nemohu take


> vyloucit. Staci spustit k okamzitemu odeslani veskere nashromazdene
> posty qmail-send, resp. restartovat qmail nebo je treba uzit jineho
> mechanismu.

7.2. How do I manually run the queue? I'd like qmail to try delivering
all the remote messages right now.

Answer: Give the qmail-send process an ALRM. (Do svc -a /var/run/qmail
if qmail is supervised.)

You may want to run qmail-tcpok first, to guarantee that qmail-remote
will try all addresses. Normally, if an address fails repeatedly,
qmail-remote leaves it alone for an hour.


     Vladimir Smelhaus

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