Relay podsite

Michal Dobes dobes na
Středa Červen 20 07:52:07 CEST 2001

Dan Lukes wrote:
>         Mimochodem, na reseni via access mi vadi, ze umoznuje nejen RELAY
> "ven", ale i "dovnitr", takze jsem nakonec truchu modifikoval primo
> prislusne rule (je to jen par radku navic) a pro povoleni
> RELAY pouze ven pouzivam uplne jiny soubor. Mam ale pocit, ze jsem nekde
> zahledl, ze "jednosmernost" lze dosahnout i pomoci "access". Vite o tom
> neco ? Primo rule se mi ted moc studovat nechce ...

Jo, jde to. Aspon u 8.11.2 dokumentace o access tvrdi:

        From:spammer na some.dom   REJECT
        To:friend.domain        RELAY
        Connect:friend.domain   OK
        Connect:from.domain     RELAY
        From:good na another.dom   OK
        From:another.dom        REJECT

This would deny mails from spammer na some.dom but you could still
send mail to that address even if FEATURE(`blacklist_recipients')
is enabled.  Your system will allow relaying to friend.domain, but
not from it (unless enabled by other means).  Connections from that
domain will be allowed even if it ends up in one of the DNS based
rejection lists.  Relaying is enabled from from.domain but not to
it (since relaying is based on the connection information for
outgoing relaying, the tag Connect: must be used; for incoming
relaying, which is based on the recipient address, To: must be
used).  The last two entries allow mails from good na another.dom but
reject mail from all other addresses with another.dom as domain


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